
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Under pressure to stand

20 Jul 2017

While the SACP has finally agreed to contest elections independently, writes Peter Manson, its leadership is still fully committed to class collaboration

Enough Blairite bleating

13 Jul 2017

Paul Demarty takes a look at the right’s latest moans - and notes SPEW’s continued refusal to join the battle on the side of the Labour left

Much needs to be done

13 Jul 2017

On July 8 a team of comrades from Labour Party Marxists attended the Durham Miners’ Gala. James Harvey recounts some of his impressions of this year’s ‘Big Meeting’

Stumbling over Labour

13 Jul 2017

The SWP’s movementism leaves it politically adrift where it really counts, writes Peter Manson

Left’s movementist delusions

13 Jul 2017

Neither a million-strong demonstration nor mass strikes would in themselves be likely to bring down the Tories, argues Mike Macnair. But, with the government weak and wobbly, the real question is what happens after a general election. Greece holds plenty of negative lessons

Kemalists seize the moment

13 Jul 2017

‘Justice’ march wrong-footed the mainstream left, writes Esen Uslu

Big Meeting gets bigger

06 Jul 2017

The 133rd Durham Miners’ Gala this Saturday will see some 150,000 march through the ancient city. Davie Douglass looks at the history and the ongoing significance

Racists and Islamophobes

06 Jul 2017

Following the triumph of the right in last month’s local elections, writes Toby Abse, the left appears more and more isolated

The Corbyn phenomenon

06 Jul 2017

It is important to know where we are and where we are going, argues Tony Greenstein

An unsavoury alliance

06 Jul 2017

‘Regime change from above’ cannot be ruled out, writes Yassamine Mather

Now let’s crush the Blairites

06 Jul 2017

There is a greater opportunity than ever to break the grip of the right, argues Paul Demarty

May is not irreplaceable

29 Jun 2017

More is needed than a removal van outside Number 10, argues Paul Demarty

Crisis and degeneration

29 Jun 2017

David E Lowes (editor), Arthur Ransome Three accounts of revolutionary Russia Red Revenant, 2017, £6.90, pp212

First stage of the first revolution

29 Jun 2017

Lenin’s ‘Letter from afar’, as printed in Pravda, March 21 and 22 1917

Corrections from up close

29 Jun 2017

Censorship or retrofit? In the third part of the series, ‘All power to the soviets’, Lars T Lih looks at Lenin’s ‘Letters from afar’ and the reaction of the Bolsheviks

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