
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Connolly versus Maclean

07 Sep 2000

LSA: different approaches aired

07 Sep 2000

Tied vote: CPGB's indirect and inclusive democracy; SWP's direct elections

All-UK challenge

15 Jun 2000

Planting the flag

15 Jun 2000

Working class fighter takes on New Labour Weyman Bennett is our London Socialist Alliance candidate for Tottenham in the June 22 parliamentary by-election. Peter Manson spoke to him

Vote LSA - vote Bennett

15 Jun 2000

Rally success Tottenham by-election June 22

Zimbabwe and socialism

15 Jun 2000

Internationalist or transnationalist? Andrew Cutting responds to Ian Donovan's criticism

Analysis needed

15 Jun 2000

A member of the Socialist Workers Party, writing on the International Socialist tendency opposition internet list, bemoans the absence of democratic discussion

Going, going, gone ... green

15 Jun 2000

Two mavericks continue their attempts to undermine the fight to forge a united working class challenge to Blair, based on the success of the London Socialist Alliance. Peter Tatchell wants the LSA to subordinate itself to the Green Party, while Nick Long, the Socialist Party's main ally in its anti-LSA obstructionism in Lewisham and Greenwich, now places himself outside the socialist alliance camp. We publish their separate statements Reds and greens

Eastern electoralism?

15 Jun 2000

For democratic centralism

23 Mar 2000

Harry Paterson, member of Peter Taaffe's Socialist Party in England and Wales, calls for real democracy and revolutionary centralism

Harry who?

24 Feb 2000

Party notes


17 Feb 2000

Party notes

Taaffe pulls out

20 Jan 2000

LSA slate for London elections


13 Jan 2000

Party notes

Stakes are high

16 Dec 1999

Left debates attitude toward Livingstone

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