
Capitalism & Crisis > Neoliberalism

Neoliberal ghosts and the art of brevity

16 Sep 2010

Jack Conrad answers criticisms of the CPGB's Draft programme in the second of a three-part article

Italy: The end of Mario Monti?

20 Dec 2012

Toby Abse reports on the latest manoeuvres in Rome

Starbucks tax: A system built for playing

13 Dec 2012

The Starbucks tax fiasco tells us much more about Britain than greedy corporations, reckons Paul Demarty

November 14 strikes: Europe unites to resist austerity

22 Nov 2012

As the EU slips into recession, November 14 gave us a taste of what is possible, argues Eddie Ford

EU budget: ‘Official communists’ welcome Miliband’s conversion to austerity

08 Nov 2012

Europhobes of all political hues have tasted blood following the coalition government’s defeat over the EU budget, writes Eddie Ford

Pay: Living wage farce

08 Nov 2012

Minimum pay should be determined by workers’ commissions, argues Michael Copestake

UK Economy: Bumping along the bottom

01 Nov 2012

Whilst the UK economy is officially no longer in a recession, writes Eddie Ford, it remains in deep trouble

EU summit: Berlin demands yet more austerity

25 Oct 2012

The October 18 EU summit was another exercise in procrastination, argues Eddie Ford, and Spain shows the worst is almost certainly not over

Economics of the madhouse

25 Oct 2012

Hillel Ticktin reviews: Paul Krugman' End this depression now!', Norton, New York, 2012, pp272, £14.99

Crisis, theory and politics

27 Sep 2012

Nick Rogers interviews Andrew Kliman, New York-based Marxist economist and author of The failure of capitalist production1

Inferno for the proletariat

13 Sep 2012

Toby Abse reviews: Bill Emmott 'Good Italy, bad Italy: why Italy must conquer its demons to face the future', Yale University Press, 2012, pp299, £18.99

Charities up in alms

19 Apr 2012

George Osborne's tax changes have been criticised for threatening charity in this country - if only, laments Paul Demarty

Pouring oil on stormy waters

05 Apr 2012

The government's supposed 'Thatcher moment' has backfired spectacularly, writes Eddie Ford

Revenge of trickledown economics

29 Mar 2012

George Osborne's budget shows that we are not 'all in it together', writes Eddie Ford

Moralistic gesture politics

29 Mar 2012

What has David Cameron been drinking? Michael Copestake takes a look

A small victory against workfare

01 Mar 2012

With the government forced into a humiliating climbdown on workfare, Laurie Smith looks at where the welfare system is going and the Left response

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