
Capitalism & Crisis > Neoliberalism

Neoliberal ghosts and the art of brevity

16 Sep 2010

Jack Conrad answers criticisms of the CPGB's Draft programme in the second of a three-part article

Down with utopia!

08 May 2008

The bankruptcy of the neoliberal model has created a vacuum for alternatives, writes Boris Kagarlitsky. If we do not fill it from the left, it will be filled from the right

Floodtide of capital

28 Jun 2007

Mike Macnair locates the contradiction in capital's desire for free movement and its need to control labour

All-American hero

21 Jun 2007

AJ Byrne reviews Andy Stern's Getting America back on track: a country that works

Hands off our pensions

07 Jun 2007

Now that the stock market has seen a mild recovery, some larger companies are seeking a 'holiday' from their pension fund contributions. Jim Moody comments

SWP "relative autonomy"

25 May 2007

James Turley reviews Alex Callinico's Universities in a neoliberal world (Bookmarks, 2006, pp41, ?2)

Class-consciousness and the naked king

10 May 2007

Russian communist Boris Kagarlitsky, founder of the Moscow-based Institute of Globalisation Studies, speaks to Mark Fischer about Yeltsin, Putin, the liberal opposition and the workers' movement

Capitalist logic and NHS Logistics

21 Sep 2006

Privatisation of the whole of the national health service may not be on the cards just yet. But an important part of it is to be privatised in a few days. Jim Moody reports

Iran's workers need support

07 Sep 2006

Iran's president Ahmadinejad is a defender of neoliberalism, says Yassamine Mather

Fair trade or socialism?

08 Jan 2004

Ben Lewis reviews: George Monbiot, The age of consent Harper Collins, 2003, pp274, £15.99

Crumbling like powder

08 Jan 2004

Mehdi Kia, co-editor of 'Iran Bulletin' - Middle East Forum, on the Iranian earthquake and the fate of the islamic regime

A bridge too far

18 Dec 2003

Mike Macnair reviews: Graham Dutfield, 'Intellectual property rights, trade and biodiversity', Earthscan Publications, 2002, pp238, £24.95 Michael Perelman, 'Steal this idea: intellectual property rights and the corporate confiscation of creativity', Palgrave, 2002, pp242, £17.65 Peter Drahos, 'A philosophy of intellectual property', Ashgate, 1996, reprint 2002, pp272, £60

Rail maintenance renationalised

30 Oct 2003

On Thursday October 23 Network Rail announced that it was to take all track maintenance work back in house - effectively renationalising the majority of rail maintenance contracts. Bill Stanley reports

Government in retreat

23 Jan 1997

Taking on the state

Bosses’ clampdown reaches Korea

16 Jan 1997

Mere numbers on a page

02 Nov 1995

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