
Democracy & State > Nationalism

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

SSA plunges into nationalism

25 Jun 1998

Appeal to members

25 Jun 1998

Scottish Socialist Alliance takes nationalist road

For a centralised republic

18 Jun 1998

Reaction raises its ugly head in Australia

Workers’ unity, not national socialism

18 Jun 1998

Peter Taaffe and Scottish Militant Labour are on the verge of divorce. But this is no private affair. Shamefully in the name of defending Marxism both sides want to break up the historically constituted working class in Britain along nationalist lines

Freedom for Kosovo!

18 Jun 1998

Independence fight

Quiet down below

18 Jun 1998

Party notes

World Cup chauvinism

18 Jun 1998

Rioting England fans have set back Labour’s ‘Cool Britannia’ project

Capitulation to nationalism

11 Jun 1998

This Members Bulletin document, ‘In defence of the revolutionary party’, is the Socialist Party EC’s reply to Scottish Militant Labour’s proposals to liquidate itself into a Scottish Socialist Party. Having gone along with SML’s national socialist trajectory, the SP now objects to the consequences of an “independent socialist Scotland”. The result is a travesty of Marxism

Peace strike threat

04 Jun 1998

State targets Irish republicans

Breaking imperialism’s rules

04 Jun 1998

India and Pakistan

Too high a price to pay

04 Jun 1998

Former Scottish Militant Labour member Tom Delargy gives his views on SML’s break with the Socialist Party and its embrace of nationalism

The Irish ‘plot’

21 May 1998

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, May 23 1918

A bold step forward?

21 May 1998

SML liquidation into nationalist swamp

Follow my leader

21 May 1998

Harpal Brar backs Blair on Ireland

Sad Taaffe

14 May 1998

Party notes

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