
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Kurds left in limbo

25 Sep 2014

The US has begun its bombing campaign in Syria

Zionism: Quest for legitimacy

18 Sep 2014

Israeli communist Moshé Machover examines the significance of Zionist claims that Israel is the ‘nation-state of the Jewish people’

The origins, politics and economics of the Islamic State

04 Sep 2014

As imperialism once again changes its allies, the left needs to stick to its principles, says Yassamine Mather

Gaza demo: Don't let it go to waste

14 Aug 2014

The latest march in solidarity with the Palestinians was both big and open to ideas; but the old hands of the anti-war movement had little perspective to offer. Peter Manson reports

Only an Arab revolution can liberate Palestine

07 Aug 2014

Neither a one-state nor a two-state ‘solution’ can be achieved under the current balance of forces, writes Paul Demarty

Iran, Israel and Isis

31 Jul 2014

Yassamine Mather looks at the assault on Gaza in the context of the Middle East as a whole

Gaza: Resorting to smears

31 Jul 2014

Protests against the assault on Gaza have been met with charges of outright anti-Semitism by defenders of Israel, writes Micky Coulter

Solidarity and anti-Zionism

24 Jul 2014

The protest against Israel's assault on Gaza was inspiring, reports Maciej Zurowski

Israel's secret nuclear arsenal

17 Jul 2014

Talks designed to secure an agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme look like they will be extended. Meanwhile, Yassamine Mather looks at the one country in the Middle East that is already armed with nuclear weapons

Zionist racism on display

11 Jul 2014

The disparity in the treatment of two bereaved families is a direct consequence of a Jewish state, writes Tony Greenstein

Descent into regional chaos, horror and fragmentation

11 Jul 2014

Bush and Blair promised democracy and prosperity, writes Yassamine Mather - a lie echoed by their social-imperialist allies

AWL: Apologists without logic

03 Jul 2014

Arthur Bough examines the AWL’s failure to oppose imperialist intervention

Iran: Arrogance and the supreme leader

26 Jun 2014

As Iran and the US edge closer towards cooperation over Iraq, Yassamine Mather looks at the evolution of Ali Khamenei

Iraq: A disaster waiting to happen

19 Jun 2014

The US and Iran find themselves on the same side and ready to cooperate, warns Yassamine Mather

Condition of the working class movement

12 Jun 2014

Torab Saleth of Hands Off the People of Iran assesses the strengths and weaknesses

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