
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Anti-Capitalist Initiative:Up the Swanny

06 Dec 2012

The Anti-Capitalist Initiative hosted two events over the weekend of December 1-2. Mark Fischer was not impressed

UTR: Sectarian and philistine

22 Nov 2012

The SWP’s fear of genuine debate was on grisly display throughout the day. Peter Manson reports on the Unite the Resistance conference

Australian SA: Regroupment in a revolutionary party

08 Nov 2012

Have the hard-line ‘Cliffite sectarians’ seen the light?

Socialist Party: Unity of the left can wait

08 Nov 2012

No it cannot, says Peter Manson

ULA Ireland: Sectarian self-annihilation

25 Oct 2012

The United Left Alliance has gone into destruct mode. Anne Mc Shane reports

Rifondazione Comunista: Failed refoundation

18 Oct 2012

Toby Abse reviews: Salvatore Cannavo, 'La Rifondazione mancata, 1991-2008: una storia del PRC Edizioni Alegre', Rome 2009, pp223, €14

The Left: There’s no success like failure

11 Oct 2012

Tony Greenstein bemoans the continuing self-marginalisation of Britain’s far left

TUSC: For a new, united socialist party

04 Oct 2012

Nick Wrack and Will McMahon plead with the SWP and SPEW to take Tusc seriously

Why the ship won’t sail

27 Sep 2012

Peter Manson reports on the misplaced efforts to talk up the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

An irresponsible split

13 Sep 2012

Differences should be brought out into the light of day, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

What kind of party do we need? - Ben Lewis

06 Sep 2012

Fighting on two fronts - Ben Lewis of the CPGB gives his view, taken from a speech to Communist University 2012

What kind of party do we need? - Simon Hardy

06 Sep 2012

Get involved with the ACI -Simon Hardy of the Anti-Capitalist Initiative gives his view on the party we need, taken from a speech to Communist University 2012

What sort of party do we need? - Mike Phipps

06 Sep 2012

Stay with what exists - Mike Phipps of Labour Briefing gives his view, taken from a talk at Communist University 2012

Liquidationism and 'broad front' masks

28 Jun 2012

Mike Macnair recently addressed a CPGB aggregate on liquidationism and 'broad frontism'. Below is an edited version of his talk

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

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