
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Left unity: Anti-sectarian sectarianism

16 May 2013

Left Unity began badly, with existing left groups barred from attending, even as observers. Tina Becker reports on the May 11 national meeting

AWL: Pull the other one

16 May 2013

In response to Left Unity, the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty has sent a counter-proposal to most of the far-left organisations. Paul Demarty replies

Sectarian left: Svengalis of Left Unity block unity

16 May 2013

Peter Manson examines two contrasting views of the new attempt to revive Labourism

Left Unity: Need to engage with existing left groups

09 May 2013

In April, the CPGB applied for observer status at Left Unity’s May 11 gathering. Here is the exchange of letters that resulted

Left Unity: The spirit of ’45?

09 May 2013

What do we hope will come out of the May 11 Left Unity conference? Following Nick Wrack’s speech at the April 27 London Communist Forum, Jack Conrad replied for the CPGB. This is an edited version of his response

Left unity appeal: Realise potential, avoid pitfalls

04 Apr 2013

The Left Unity appeal has gathered a promising level of support, but runs the risk of repeating past mistakes, argues Harley Filben

South African left: Attempt to go round already existing mass organisations

04 Apr 2013

Wasp might be able to sting the SACP/Cosatu bureaucracy. But, asks Peter Manson, can it become a mass party capable of leading a socialist revolution?

Anti-cuts movement: Frontism produces no lasting gains

04 Apr 2013

What can we expect from the People’s Assembly? Dave Isaacson looks at the June 22 build-up

The left: Loach makes his bid for unity

28 Mar 2013

Can anything positive arise from the SWP crisis? Peter Manson believes it can if we stick to our principles

ULA blow-up: Legacy of sectarianism

28 Feb 2013

As the ULA stares into the abyss, Anne Mc Shane looks back at two years of cynical betrayal

Socialist Party: Taaffe’s significant silence

21 Feb 2013

The Socialist Party in England and Wales appears to have decided to effectively ignore the SWP crisis. But why? Ben Lewis investigates

SWP crisis: Twilight of the idols

14 Feb 2013

The central committee has once again failed to reassert control. But dirty tricks are inevitable, writes Paul Demarty

SWP crisis: Programme and the programmeless

07 Feb 2013

Why do communists place such importance on their programmes and why does the SWP central committee expel oppositionists who advocate developing one? Jack Conrad begins a short series of articles

SWP:Apparatus gears up for war

31 Jan 2013

This weekend’s national committee meeting looks set to trigger a showdown, writes Peter Manson

Socialist Alternative Australia: Strange sort of unity

13 Dec 2012

Last month the Weekly Worker published a statement from the Australian group, Socialist Alternative, calling for a “new kind of left unity” (‘Solidarity in a revolutionary party’, November 8).

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