
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

The biters bitten

14 Apr 2022

James Harvey of Labour Party Marxists asks why the AWL has been proscribed when it has given such unstinting service to the right in promoting the ‘anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism’ big lie

Spineless of the little blob

10 Mar 2022

Its response to the Ukraine war shows the official Labour ‘left’ is sinking ever further into the mire, writes James Harvey

Cosying up to Sir Keir

10 Feb 2022

Derek James reports on the split in the Socialist Campaign Group and the prospects for the ‘insider’ strategy

A rapidly sinking ship

10 Feb 2022

Clive Dean, of Labour Party Marxists, reports on an organisation in sharp decline, politically at sea and now lacking any strategic perspective

No change of line

20 Jan 2022

Mike Macnair responds to Daniel Lazare on BDS, the Israel Jewish working class and the necessity of opposing the witch-hunt

Operation Save Big Dog

20 Jan 2022

Is Boris Johnson toast? Eddie Ford comments on the partygate scandals and what it means for Sir Keir’s prospects

Will ye no come back?

20 Jan 2022

Amidst rumours of Jeremy Corbyn being set to launch a new party, Derek James asks why so many on the left are still in thrall to Corbynism

Self-declared heretic replies

06 Jan 2022

Tony Greenstein insists that the merging of LAW and LIEN is precisely the ‘twin-track’ approach that Jack Conrad advocates

Something serious is needed

16 Dec 2021

It is clear that Tony Greenstein has abandoned any pretence of adhering to class politics: that is, the class politics of the working class. Jack Conrad defends the Marxist programme against those who advocate yet another broad-front halfway house

Sheen comes off bluster and boosterism

16 Dec 2021

Derek James looks at the stunning Tory rebellion over Covid-19 safety measures and Labour’s lead in the polls

Not a liquidation?

09 Dec 2021

Abandoning any pretence of class politics, Tony Greenstein defends what he calls the ‘merger’ of LAW and LIEN and advocates yet another ‘transitional’ halfway-house broad front

Shuffling further to right

09 Dec 2021

Derek James assesses Sir Keir’s new shadow cabinet, the cowardice of the official left and the danger of both Corbyn and McDonnell being expelled

Why we resigned

02 Dec 2021

Not unity but division: joint statement by four former members of LAW’s steering committee

Stay and fight and fight again

02 Dec 2021

A call that went unheeded: opening remarks by Graham Bash to LAW’s final all-members meeting

Merging into a cul-de-sac

02 Dec 2021

Derek James of Labour Party Marxists argues that this is no time to give up on the fight against the witch-hunt. Nor will the attempt to form an amorphous socialist movement get anywhere

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