
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

With the grain of the times

11 Oct 2018

Yet more scandals - but Trump stands firm. Paul Demarty urges a more radical reckoning with American politics

Trump targets Iran

27 Sep 2018

Yassamine Mather says the theocratic regime in Tehran is expecting a long siege

A vindictive and pitiless regime

20 Sep 2018

The likes of Joe Robinson cannot be tolerated by Erdoğan, writes Esen Uslu

United with far right

20 Sep 2018

Tony Greenstein reports on a demonstration against ‘anti-Semitism’ that brought together the English Defence League and Jewish Labour Movement

Fire burn and cauldron bubble

13 Sep 2018

Esen Uslu looks at the rival state interests involved in the struggle to control Idlib

A racist state

13 Sep 2018

Labour’s adoption of the IHRA definition was a shameful betrayal of the Palestinians, writes Tony Greenstein

More questions than answers

02 Aug 2018

The White Helmets are not the selfless humanitarian volunteers that much of the media would have you believe, writes Yassamine Mather

Europe and the Trump Doctrine

26 Jul 2018

If Donald Trump is such a disastrous president, why is America not suffering, wonders Paul Demarty?

Strategy of Suffocation

19 Jul 2018

Yassamine Mather reports on Tehran’s moves to counter US threats

Clarity as to the reality

19 Jul 2018

The open racism of Netanyahu is preferable to the platitudes of liberal Zionism, argues Tony Greenstein

Revenge of the global hegemon

19 Jul 2018

Donald Trump’s attacks on his Nato and European ‘foes’ give us a lesson in global realities, writes Eddie Ford

Complicity in torture

12 Jul 2018

The details of ‘extraordinary rendition’ are finally out in the open. Yassamine Mather looks at the UK’s responsibility for ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’

Ethnic cleansing continues

05 Jul 2018

Israel is moving Palestinians into bleak and desolate townships located next to rubbish dumps, writes Tony Greenstein

Gaining momentum

05 Jul 2018

The campaign to reinstate Stan Keable has growing support

Vulnerable to a major slump

28 Jun 2018

The consolidation of Erdoğan’s rule and the intensification of repression cannot prevent the impending economic crisis, writes Michael Roberts

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