Imperialism & War
Grounds for optimism
03 Feb 2011
Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region
Bosnian carve up
30 Nov 1995
Opportunity lost
30 Nov 1995
John Bridge reports on the Calcutta convention
Toeing the party line
23 Nov 1995
Danny Hammill reviews 'Art and Power: Europe under the dictators 1930-45' at Hayward Gallery, South Bank Centre (October 26 1995 - January 21 1996, £5, £3.50 concessions)
In brief...
23 Nov 1995
What kind of party for Ireland?
16 Nov 1995
Peter Manson talked to Kevin McQuillan, a former leader of the Irish Republican Socialist Party and now in the Liam Mellowes Society
British ‘peace’ condemned
09 Nov 1995
US establishment embraces Farrakhan
26 Oct 1995
Farrakhan claims a million black men are their own enemy
Workers fight under a false flag
19 Oct 1995
Aziz Demir reports on the political upheaval in Turkey and the growing militancy of workers
Cosy consensus
19 Oct 1995
The Irish Republican Socialist Party has accused both the Irish and British governments of being premature in their proposed setting up of an international arms commission.
American war story
21 Sep 1995
Danny Hammill reviews 'The End of Victory Culture: Cold War America and the Disillusioning of a Generation' by Tom Engelhardt (Basic Books 1995, pp351)
Bosnian Serbs flee multi-ethnic cleansing
21 Sep 1995
Left rejoices at Nato led Serb retreat