
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Failed with flying colours

06 Jan 2022

Contemporary US capitalism has shown a complete inability to renew itself through reform, argues Jim Creegan

Disarray over abortion

06 Jan 2022

Anne McShane looks at the right’s assault on abortion in the US, the DSA’s abstentionism and the shameful record of what still passes for the left

Getting BDS and DSA right

16 Dec 2021

Not surprisingly, last week’s article by Daniel Lazare, ‘Taking a pass on Israel’, has caused some considerable controversy. Thankfully, three well-informed comrades have written replies. Needless to say, our sympathies are fully with the critics

Something serious is needed

16 Dec 2021

It is clear that Tony Greenstein has abandoned any pretence of adhering to class politics: that is, the class politics of the working class. Jack Conrad defends the Marxist programme against those who advocate yet another broad-front halfway house

The future that ended

16 Dec 2021

Three decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the causes and consequences still elude most of the left, writes Paul Demarty

Fun and punishment

16 Dec 2021

Crazily, the government wants to intensify the cruel and unwinnable ‘war on drugs’. Eddie Ford, on the other hand, wants to call it off and legalise all drugs

Sheen comes off bluster and boosterism

16 Dec 2021

Derek James looks at the stunning Tory rebellion over Covid-19 safety measures and Labour’s lead in the polls

Victim of vengeful US mafia

16 Dec 2021

Julian Assange has been patiently, unrelentingly pursued. Mike Macnair highlights the complicity of the UK state and courts and the failure of the left

Not a liquidation?

09 Dec 2021

Abandoning any pretence of class politics, Tony Greenstein defends what he calls the ‘merger’ of LAW and LIEN and advocates yet another ‘transitional’ halfway-house broad front

Shuffling further to right

09 Dec 2021

Derek James assesses Sir Keir’s new shadow cabinet, the cowardice of the official left and the danger of both Corbyn and McDonnell being expelled

Beware of Nazi obsession

09 Dec 2021

We must oppose the fascist right, writes Eddie Ford. But we should also oppose state bans on organisations and ‘dangerous’ books

Thin end of the wedge

02 Dec 2021

We should oppose both the banning of Hamas and its leftwing apologists, writes Eddie Ford

A Stalinist school of development?

02 Dec 2021

Paul Flewers looks back at the flawed but insightful theory of state collectivism presented by John Fantham and Moshé Machover in the late 1970s

Our gun rights too

02 Dec 2021

Despite Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal, Paul Demarty raises three cheers for the US constitution's second amendment

Why we resigned

02 Dec 2021

Not unity but division: joint statement by four former members of LAW’s steering committee

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