
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Nationalism rises in Turkey

04 Jan 1996

Humanity denied

04 Jan 1996

Danny Hammill reviews 'Burnt by the Sun' (directed by Nikita Mikalkov, 1994, Russia) and La Haine (directed by Mathieu Kassovitz, 1995, France)

Tories thrown into panic

04 Jan 1996

Left to freeze

04 Jan 1996

Every year when winter hits, electricity is cut off, pipes burst and floods follow. Thousands try to survive in freezing conditions and many die of cold

Campaign against immigration checks and asylum bill

21 Dec 1995

In brief

CPSA Fight against JSA

21 Dec 1995

In brief

The revolutionary democratic road to socialism - part I

21 Dec 1995

At the CPGB school this year Dave Craig outlined the Revolutionary Democratic Group’s theory of permanent revolution. Here he opens the debate, to be continued in the next issue

Kent wants democracy

21 Dec 1995

Moderate campaign

21 Dec 1995

French lessons for railworkers

21 Dec 1995

Oppressed fight back

21 Dec 1995

Rioting in Brixton

In brief

21 Dec 1995

Workers left behind in Europe

21 Dec 1995

Saying ‘No’ to Europe is not enough

Watershed over water charges

14 Dec 1995

Workers decide in France

14 Dec 1995

René Barthes, executive member of the Marseilles region of the Fédération Syndicaliste Unitaire union organisation and long-standing member of the Parti Communiste Français, spoke (in a personal capacity) to John Bayliss last Tuesday

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