
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Threat of witch-hunt averted

13 Nov 2014

Stan Keable reports on the Labour Representation Committee’s November 8 annual conference

A pseudo-democratic caricature

06 Nov 2014

The problem is not the House of Lords’ London bias, or even its unelected character: there should be no second chamber, argues Paul Demarty

Organise the militant minority

06 Nov 2014

The attacks on the miners were aimed at breaking organised labour in general; but union bureaucrats failed to rise to the challenge of building mass solidarity. Jack Conrad argued for a rank-and-file movement in this Leninist reprint

Class struggle intensifies

06 Nov 2014

Toby Abse reports on both verbal and physical clashes, as workers resist the latest attacks from ‘Italy’s Tony Blair’

Supplement: Labour Party Marxists No.5

30 Oct 2014

A special supplement from our friends at LPM

Jack Collins: We could swamp them

30 Oct 2014

In 1984 The Leninist interviewed Jack Collins, area secretary of Kent NUM who went on to become disillusioned with the CPGB leadership

Child abuse: Adding insult to injury

30 Oct 2014

Theresa May’s decision to make Lady Woolf the new head of the child abuse inquiry could turn out to be deeply embarrassing, writes Eddie Ford

Branson’s pickle

30 Oct 2014

Noreen Branson History of the Communist Party of Great Britain 1927-1941 Lawrence and Wishart, 2014, pp376, £17.99; and History of the Communist Party of Great Britain 1941-1951 Lawrence and Wishart, 1997, pp262, £14.99

Marching in defence of article 18

30 Oct 2014

Last weekend’s mass mobilisation in Rome was inspiring, writes Toby Abse. But will trade union militancy be enough?

Cometh the Brand?

30 Oct 2014

Russell Brand’s anarchistic leftism is sincere enough, but his unlikely importance speaks volumes about the left’s weakness, says Paul Demarty

TUC demo: Boost to confidence

23 Oct 2014

Looking to a Labour government for salvation is a hopeless perspective, argues Peter Manson

Lech Wałęsa and Thatcher, the wise and brave woman

23 Oct 2014

While The Leninist's critique of Stalinism was still developing, it had no hesitation in calling the export of Polish coal to Britain during the miner's strike a scab act.

A dangerous game

23 Oct 2014

David Cameron’s appeasement of the Eurosceptic right could backfire dramatically, warns Paul Demarty

UKIP: Something to smile about

16 Oct 2014

Last week’s by-elections have proved once and for all that Nigel Farage and his party are a force to be reckoned with, notes Paul Demarty

Violence and the miners

16 Oct 2014

Another Leninist reprint - with salutary lessons for some in Left Unity today, says Mark Fischer

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