

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Controlling nature

03 Sep 1998

Red-green debate

Act in haste, repent at leisure

03 Sep 1998

Network of Socialist Alliances launch

The Party ‘line’

03 Sep 1998

Party notes

Delegation to Scotland

27 Aug 1998

Documents from the Socialist Party’s Members Bulletin July 1998

For the Irish working class

27 Aug 1998

IRSP statement

‘Time to silence guns’

27 Aug 1998

INLA ceasefire declaration

Perspectives ’99

27 Aug 1998

Party notes

London Socialist Alliance

20 Aug 1998

Communist University ’98

20 Aug 1998

Party notes

Political fightback

30 Jul 1998

There is no future for the Socialist Alliances in tailing spontaneity

One-sided analysis

30 Jul 1998

Steve Riley of Manchester CPGB takes issue with Jack Conrad on the Soviet Union

Taking sides

30 Jul 1998

Party notes

Failed revolutions

23 Jul 1998

Danny Hammill reports on the CPGB debate on ‘the transitional programme’, opened by a speaker from the International Bolshevik Tendency

Bosses’ dirty tricks

23 Jul 1998

Bosses are attempting to intimidate RMT activists. As part of this campaign, they have singled out Steve Hedley, a longstanding RMT militant, for intimidation. The Railworkers Rank and File Campaign reports

CPGB paranoia?

23 Jul 1998

The following newsletter of the ‘Campaigning Alliances Bulletin’ has been circulated by comrade Nick Long, convenor of Lewisham SA and a member of the Socialist Democracy Group. It is advertised as “a newsletter of those committed to building real Socialist Alliances”

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