

Take a risk

Robert Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Iron chancellor Gordon Brown unveiled his budget this week. He stressed how he wants to encourage enterprise and reward “risk-takers”. Time to make work pay.

What he means is making Britain profitable for capitalist accumulation - not a particularly ‘risky’ business, seeing how governments fall over themselves to shore up the biggest firms with offers of hundreds of millions of pounds in grants. The real “risk-takers” are those who give their lives so that in the future we can have a society where work is about self-fufilment and for the common good - not the dehumanising 9-5 drudge in service to greed.

We were disappointed by the failure to achieve our monthly £400 target in February. We ended £60 short. However, we are glad to report that we have got off to a much more promising start this month. Thanks to comrades HK, RW, PW, NB, MJ and PW. We now stand at £130. Not bad at all - but, comrades, we cannot be complacent. Changing the world requires your hard work and constant support.

Robert Rix