

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Web of propaganda

19 Dec 1996

Class alliances in Scotland

19 Dec 1996

SLP branch reports

Spring bulbs planted

19 Dec 1996

Ken Capstick, the Socialist Labour Party’s candidate in last week’s Barnsley East by-election, reflects on the result and on the SLP’s prospects

Continuity and discipline

19 Dec 1996

Party notes

Federal republic and class struggle

12 Dec 1996

Mary Ward is the SSA candidate for Dundee West and a member of the CPGB. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to her about this weekend’s ‘civic event’ in Scotland and the future of the democratic struggle

Scotland and the Irish question

12 Dec 1996

Jim Slaven is a member of the James Connolly Society and an East of Scotland organiser for the Scottish Socialist Alliance. The Weekly Worker asked him for his views

Workers lose out in ‘racism’ row

12 Dec 1996

Division of labour

12 Dec 1996

Around the left

Sectarian critic turns putrified witch hunter

12 Dec 1996

Members of the EPSR have turned anti-communist witch hunters who brand those that challenge their particularly nauseating brand of sectarianism as CPGB members. Here we reprint an edited version of SLP member John Pearson’s reply to Roy Bull’s accusations

Maximising socialist message

12 Dec 1996

After the Leicester council by-election Militant Labour has renewed its call for joint socialist candidates for the general election, as well as the need for the SLP constitution to be amended so that all socialists can participate in the building of the SLP. We print here the letter from ML’s national secretary to Patrick Sikorski

Socialist Labour makes its mark

12 Dec 1996

Gutter journalism?

12 Dec 1996

Party notes


12 Dec 1996

24-hour international shutdown can set the docks afire, writes Greg Dropkin

ITF betrays Liverpool dockers

05 Dec 1996

This letter by ITF inspector Jack Heyman follows his resignation in response to a lack of support for the Liverpool dockers and criticism of their attempts to set up international rank and file organisation

Opportunist short cut

05 Dec 1996

The following is the speech Phil Walden of the Trotskyist Unity Group made at the November 23 conference organised by the WRP

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