

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Unison leaders dump Hillingdon strikers

16 Jan 1997

IRSP statement

16 Jan 1997

One lump

16 Jan 1997

Party notes

Glacier workers win

16 Jan 1997

Build the alternative now

09 Jan 1997

Should SLP members call for a Labour vote in the absence of an SLP candidate?

Break from Labourism - vote Labour

09 Jan 1997

A statement by party members in the South-West on the SLP electoral policy

Central Africa - a workers’ solution

09 Jan 1997

This article first appeared in Class Struggle, journal of the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International

Communist Party Perspectives 1997

09 Jan 1997

At its last national aggregate of 1996, the perspectives document for this year was passed unanimously by our organisation. Mark Fischer highlights some of its key points

Real enemies of progressive socialism

09 Jan 1997

The Weekly Worker has received a copy of a letter from Camden SLP chair Martyn Giscombe-Smith, which we publish below. We believe that the comrade is profoundly mistaken in announcing his resignation from the party, and urge him to reconsider. While he makes many valid criticisms and his frustration is understandable, he overlooks the key point: the SLP represents a left break from Labour of potentially great significance for the working class. All socialists should fight to shape the SLP into an organisation that is up to the job. It cannot be right to retire into the wilderness

Party finance

09 Jan 1997

Party notes

Fighting fund

19 Dec 1996

Linda Addison reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Dockers show potential for all

19 Dec 1996

Occupation meets lockout threat

19 Dec 1996

Joe Gibb has worked at Glacier Metals’ Glasgow plant at Polmadie for 21 years. He is a member of the Amalgamated Electrical and Engineering Union and, along with 103 other workers, was sacked at the beginning of November. Nick Clarke spoke to him

Control of our own life processes

19 Dec 1996

Here we publish the speech by István Mészáros opening a discussion on his recently published book, Beyond Capital, at Communist University ’96

Minimum, Transitional and Maximum: The revolutionary programme for today

19 Dec 1996

Dave Craig of the RDG opened a CPGB ‘Programme’ seminar arguing for a new transitional politics

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