
Party & Programme > Bolshevism

Fur flies over Lenin

22 Mar 2012

What has the debate over 1912 got to do with current communist practice? James Turley answers the philistines

No public criticism

11 Mar 1999

The main left group in Austrailia, the Democratic Socialist Party, refused a representative of the Communist Party of Great Britain permission to attend its 18th national conference in January. We reproduce the DSP’s reasons and the reply of comrade Marcus Larsen (pp6-7)

Determinist dogma

25 Feb 1999

Phil Sharpe replies to the economistic inevitabilism of Socialist News writer Don Hoskins

In praise of Stalin

12 Nov 1998

Harpal Brar, member of the national executive of the Socialist Labour Party, spoke at the CPGB’s Communist University, on Sunday August 2 1998

Strengths and limitations

08 Oct 1998

Phil Sharpe compares the record of Lenin and Trotsky

Imperialist Germany’s hour of fate

08 Oct 1998

From ‘The Call’, paper of the British Socialist Party, October 10 1918

Behind the mask of Trotskyism

24 Sep 1998

Reply to Ian Donovan of ‘Revolution and Truth’. Part three: self-liberation, democracy and economism

“Miserable hacks of the ruling class”

24 Sep 1998

From ‘The Call’, paper of the British Socialist Party, September 26 1918

Behind the mask of Trotskyism

10 Sep 1998

A reply to Ian Donovan of 'Revolution and Truth'. Part one: Lenin and the Russian Revolution

Maxim Gorky and the Bolsheviks

10 Sep 1998

From 'The Call', paper of the British Socialist Party, September 12 1918

The outrage in Moscow

03 Sep 1998

From 'The Call', paper of the British Socialist Party, September 5 1918

The Russian workers in power

27 Aug 1998

From 'The Call', paper of the British Socialist Party, August 22 1918

Groping towards a theory

20 Aug 1998

Jack Conrad reviews 'The fate of the Russian Revolution Vol 1', edited by Sean Matgamna (London 1998, pp603, £16.99)

Communist University ’98

20 Aug 1998

Party notes

The Russian Revolution must live!

23 Jul 1998

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, July 25 1918

Lenin’s heir

16 Jul 1998

Supporters of the Marxist Bulletin and the International Bolshevik Tendency reply to Mark Fischer’s ‘Frozen in dogma’

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