
WW archive > Issue 169 - 28 November 1996

As Labour waits in the wings ... Tory offensive continues

Kenneth Clarke’s budget contained no surprises. Both Labour and Tory prepare to prove who can best be His Master’s Voice


So be it; 100 years of health; IBT opportunism; Shrinking minimum

Moving on

Party notes

New, improved Scargillism

Chance to move forward in Ireland

Holiday in hell

SLP branch reports

Railworkers feel SLP pull

Fight for better terms

From the Workers’ Weekly, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, November 26 1926

Constitutional conspiracy

SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

Room for all revolutionaries

We print below a letter from the Communist Party (dated November 26 1996) to the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International on the question of communist rapprochement. This was requested by the LCMRCI, a Trotskyist organisation, composed largely of comrades from a Workers Power/League for a Revolutionary Communist International background. The comrades are seeking clarification of our stance to provide the basis for future exchanges on the question of Party-building and the possibility of joint work.

Fight the liquidation of the ICP

Edited statement by the Trotskyist Unity Group and Scottish Trotskyist Unity Group (external Leninist faction of the ICFI)

Fighting against compromise

Andy Barrett is a writer and performer based in Nottingham. He was artistic director of the Touch and Go theatre company for two years and he helped set up and organise the successful arts project, Alive Arts, in Nottingham. He is currently touring with two pieces he has written and performs in. Phil Rudge spoke to him after a performance of Epic at a Revolutionary Communist Party conference, Where are all the heroes?, in London last week.

Mob society

Tom Ball reviews Rigoletto (English National Opera, London)

The ties that bind

Kevin Watts reviews Lone Star, directed by John Sayles

In defence of the Afghan revolution

Same old mistakes

What sort of voice for Scotland?

Militant Labour launches a new paper in Scotland - and weakens its fighting strength

British justice, no justice

Factory occupied

Lorry drivers’ action continues in France

SUPPLEMENT: Advance from vanguardism

On April 30 members of Open Polemic ended their membership of the CPGB. Here we print their reply to criticism of that decision published in Weekly Worker (May 9 1996). Below Mark Fischer replies and we print three documents submitted to the OP conference on December 1 from CPGB comrades

Fighting fund

Linda Addison reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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