
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis


19 Nov 1998

Party notes

Left in crisis

12 Nov 1998

Party notes

Destroying themselves

12 Nov 1998

Statement by expelled Merseyside Socialist Party comrades, October 1998

Socialist Party in England and Wales: Extinction looms

12 Nov 1998

Blaming the oppressed

05 Nov 1998

South Africa ‘reconciles’ apartheid with its victims

Universal strategy

05 Nov 1998

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group poses the politics of revolutionary democracy in opposition to economism

Taaffe culls opposition

05 Nov 1998

SP faces oblivion as Liverpool rebels

Report on meeting with Scottish Socialist Alliance/Scottish Socialist Party

29 Oct 1998

SWP pre-conference discussion

A common perspective

29 Oct 1998

In reply to Dave Craig, the CPGB’s Jack Conrad reasserts the need for opposition to the Scottish Socialist Party and the correctness of pursuing communist rapprochement

Demonstration shows the way

15 Oct 1998

José Villa of Poder Obrero (Peru) and the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International describes the situation in Peru after last month’s occupation of the presidential palace

Taaffe’s debacle

15 Oct 1998

Party notes

Australian left fails challenge

08 Oct 1998

One Nation unable to break into mainstream


08 Oct 1998

Party notes

Prozac elections

24 Sep 1998

As Australia goes to the polls, central questions are ignored

Behind the mask of Trotskyism

24 Sep 1998

Reply to Ian Donovan of ‘Revolution and Truth’. Part three: self-liberation, democracy and economism

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