
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Unconscious cancel culture

05 Jan 2023

Robust debate is vital. Tina Werkmann explains her departure from the Labour Representation Committee and Red Line TV

Abolition versus reform

05 Jan 2023

Brown’s proposals amount to mere tinkering and the left’s response is woefully inadequate. Kevin Bean calls for a single-chamber parliament, a federal republic and national self-determination

No unity with scabs

15 Dec 2022

There need to be clear lines of demarcation. James Harvey reports on CPGB criticisms of the sort of unity being pursued by comrades in the Netherlands

Principled partyist strategy

08 Dec 2022

Four out of five House ‘socialists’ scabbed. Parker McQueeney of the Marxist Unity Group brings to light the deep divisions within the DSA revealed by the recent railworkers disputes

Bosses want migrants

01 Dec 2022

Anyone who has paid even the slightest attention to the media will know that the boss class wants to increase migration in order to keep down pay levels and increase profits. Kevin Bean says, once again, the SWP gets it wrong

Self-determination is a right

01 Dec 2022

Mike Macnair scrutinises the UK Supreme Court’s ruling on ‘Indyref2’ and looks at some typically inadequate left responses

Workers’ mass protests

01 Dec 2022

Yassamine Mather reports on strikes and protests in Iran

Victories and weak points

01 Dec 2022

Veteran Iranian socialist Shahab Borhan warns of the dangers of relying on spontaneity. The movement needs leadership, organisation and clear politics - article translated from Farsi by Yassamine Mather

Zero-Covid and its discontents

01 Dec 2022

Beijing’s failure to roll out an effective vaccination programme has forced it to rely on lockdowns. However, there are leftwing Sinophiles who want to emulate the Xi regime, writes Eddie Ford

Ending the dynamic stalemate?

24 Nov 2022

Militarily the war is unwinnable, so politics are vital. Esen Uslu calls for Öcalan’s line to be continued

Victory claims under scrutiny

24 Nov 2022

Why hide the truth? Vernon Price discusses an unusual contribution in the latest Pre-Conference Bulletin

Principle not diplomacy

24 Nov 2022

Mike Macnair explores the Mandelite ‘Fourth International’ and its commitment to fudge, concealing differences and upholding bland generalities in unity projects

Open polemics cauterise

17 Nov 2022

James Harvey reports on plans, problems and the need to openly thrash out principled differences

Rebuild on solid foundations

17 Nov 2022

Yassamine Mather celebrates the continuing mass protests, recognises their limitations, laments the parlous state of the left and urges unity around the basic principles upheld by Hopi

General election now?

10 Nov 2022

Much of the left is tailing Sir Keir and the liberal media in promoting the poison of presidentialism. Kevin Bean presents the republican alternative

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