
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Counterrevolution in the revolution

05 Sep 1996

The Spanish revolution and subsequent civil war, which erupted for real 60 years ago in July 1936, is the source of endless controversy. The defeat of the revolution generates an equal amount of anger and sadness. Everyone supported the Spanish revolution and hated Franco. Eddie Ford examines what went wrong

Socialism as therapy

05 Sep 1996

Around the left

Revolutionary Platform of the SLP

29 Aug 1996

Document as amended and accepted by the first conference of the RP

No Party shortcuts

29 Aug 1996

Linda Addison views the prospects for the WRP’s ‘new socialist party’

Not in our journal

29 Aug 1996

For a democratic SLP

29 Aug 1996

Martin Blum replies to Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group on the call for a Communist-Labour party (Weekly Worker August 15)

Kiss and make up

29 Aug 1996

Call for International solidarity

29 Aug 1996

How to lose friends

29 Aug 1996

Around the left

Anatomy of Militant Labour

29 Aug 1996

Party norm?

29 Aug 1996

Party notes

SLP confusion and contortion

22 Aug 1996

J Johnson of the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International replies to Richard Brenner of Workers Power (Weekly Worker May 30), and gives his views on WP’s attitude to the SLP. The LCMRCI is a recent split from the WP international organisation

Rapprochement debate crystallises

22 Aug 1996

At the Communist University ‘96 rapprochement was on the top of the agenda. But there was no diplomatic truce and key areas of disagreement were fought out throughout the school in the context of many different areas of discussion

Lion’s meow

22 Aug 1996

Tommy Sheridan: If I were prime minister (Channel 4, August 11)

Unanswered questions

22 Aug 1996

Around the left

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