
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

What sort of voice for Scotland?

28 Nov 1996

Militant Labour launches a new paper in Scotland - and weakens its fighting strength

Same old mistakes

28 Nov 1996

In defence of the Afghan revolution

28 Nov 1996

Fighting against compromise

28 Nov 1996

Andy Barrett is a writer and performer based in Nottingham. He was artistic director of the Touch and Go theatre company for two years and he helped set up and organise the successful arts project, Alive Arts, in Nottingham. He is currently touring with two pieces he has written and performs in. Phil Rudge spoke to him after a performance of Epic at a Revolutionary Communist Party conference, Where are all the heroes?, in London last week.

Fight the liquidation of the ICP

28 Nov 1996

Edited statement by the Trotskyist Unity Group and Scottish Trotskyist Unity Group (external Leninist faction of the ICFI)

SLP branch reports

28 Nov 1996

Moving on

28 Nov 1996

Party notes

Homosexuals and hypocrisy

21 Nov 1996

SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

Ducking and diving

21 Nov 1996

Around the left

SLP branch reports

21 Nov 1996

Call for Irish conference

21 Nov 1996

This is the statement delivered on behalf of the Ard Comhairle (executive committee) of the Irish Republican Socialist Party at the launch of a memorial fund in honour of the 1981 hunger strikers

And so, farewell ...

21 Nov 1996

WRP liquidates

Power of confusion

14 Nov 1996

Workers Power’s impressionistic and eclectic method leads it to adopt contradictory positions, argues John Stone of the LCMRCI

Indian communists look to SLP

14 Nov 1996

Muddying the waters

14 Nov 1996

Around the left

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