
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

No turning back

28 May 1998

Indonesian regime fails to buy off masses

Encouraging returns

21 May 1998

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Begging the question

21 May 1998

Around the left

A bold step forward?

21 May 1998

SML liquidation into nationalist swamp

Follow my leader

21 May 1998

Harpal Brar backs Blair on Ireland

Indonesia in revolt

21 May 1998

The masses are gaining a sense of their own power

Short thesis on the revolutionary party

14 May 1998

Peter Taaffe, the Socialist Party’s general secretary, having already surrendered to SML’s nationalism, now contradictorily tries to prevent a Scottish breakaway by appealing to technical internationalism. His ‘short thesis’ appears in the SP’s Members Bulletin April 1998

Secret censorship and secret solidarity

14 May 1998

Star wars

People in glass houses

14 May 1998

Around the left

For revolutionary unity

14 May 1998

In the last of three articles on South Africa Peter Manson examines the state of the left

SACP tensions

14 May 1998

Vusikaya Mvuyisi is the chair of the Khayelitsha district of the South African Communist Party. Peter Manson spoke to him in the shack township outside Cape Town

Communists murdered

14 May 1998

PCC solidarity

Our flag stays red

14 May 1998

Sad Taaffe

14 May 1998

Party notes

Fight for revolutionary internationalism

07 May 1998

As Europe unites from above, so must those below

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