
Capitalism & Crisis > Nature of crisis

A weapon for the movement

10 May 2012

Comrades in London are beginning their collective study of Marx's Capital. Jack Conrad introduces what is still an unequalled work

Ten years later

10 Aug 2017

What has the bourgeoisie learnt from the 2007-08 crash? Not a great deal, writes Michael Roberts

Optimism and pessimism

29 Jun 2017

What is the nature of capitalist crises? Paul B Smith weighs up two contending views

A story of isolation

11 May 2017

Unification under capitalism can only but perpetuate inequality, writes Michael Roberts

The ruling class turns?

08 Dec 2016

Following the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump, Hillel Ticktin analyses capital’s perspectives

Cycles within cycles

01 Dec 2016

Nick Rogers reviews: Michael Roberts, 'The long depression: how it happened, why it happened and what happens next', Haymarket Books, 2016, pp360, £14.99

Economics of the madhouse

01 Dec 2016

Despite the construction boom, things are not boding well for Erdoğan, writes Esen Uslu

Integration and disintegration

01 Dec 2016

Hillel Ticktin outlines the political and economic forces at play in the European Union

Rate of profit continues to fall

13 Oct 2016

Michael Roberts looks at the US data from 1948 to 2015

The period of transition

06 Oct 2016

What does it mean to say that capitalism is in decline? Hillel Ticktin analyses the characteristics of the final stage

Time running out fast

08 Sep 2016

Capitalism is a system unfit to cope with the ecological crisis, writes Eddie Ford

Brexit, China and the Fed

23 Jun 2016

The prospect of a global recession is very real, writes Michael Roberts

Not so new economics

26 May 2016

Michael Roberts reports on John McDonnell’s plan to ‘transform capitalism’

No substitute for politics

05 May 2016

Is it really as simple as ‘social networks vs the hierarchies’? Yassamine Mather takes issue with Paul Mason

Consistent, realistic, verifiable

28 Apr 2016

Michael Roberts reviews: Fred Moseley, 'Money and totality', Brill, 2016, pp436, £102

North and south

31 Mar 2016

What is the nature of modern imperialism, asks Michael Roberts, one hundred years after Lenin?

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