
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Clarifying the Arab Spring

27 Jan 2022

Fouad Mami reviews 'The republic of false truths' by Alaa Al-Aswany (Faber and Faber, London 2021, pp464, £12.79)

Economy in meltdown

20 Jan 2022

Amid unpaid wages, soaring inflation and daily protests in Iran, the Vienna negotiations drag on, reports Yassamine Mather

No change of line

20 Jan 2022

Mike Macnair responds to Daniel Lazare on BDS, the Israel Jewish working class and the necessity of opposing the witch-hunt

Path to nowhere

20 Jan 2022

Daniel Lazare accuses his critics of burying their heads in the sand over the nature of the BDS campaign

Factory of falsehoods

06 Jan 2022

Moshé Machover slams the hypocrisy of an Israeli aggressor state demanding sympathy as a victim state

Vienna means everything

16 Dec 2021

Negotiations are proceeding through carrot and stick brinkmanship on both sides. Meanwhile, reports Yassamine Mather, workers are striking and protesting out of sheer desperation

Getting BDS and DSA right

16 Dec 2021

Not surprisingly, last week’s article by Daniel Lazare, ‘Taking a pass on Israel’, has caused some considerable controversy. Thankfully, three well-informed comrades have written replies. Needless to say, our sympathies are fully with the critics

Sabotage, scientists, sanctions

09 Dec 2021

Soheil Behrang reports that amid the P5+1 negotiations in Vienna, Mossad is playing a dangerous game

Thin end of the wedge

02 Dec 2021

We should oppose both the banning of Hamas and its leftwing apologists, writes Eddie Ford

Storm clouds gather

02 Dec 2021

Foreign policy has already been affected by the nosediving lira, but, argues, Esen Uslu, there is also the distinct possibility of mass protests over prices and wages

Dismal political failings

18 Nov 2021

There can be no excuse for taking money and doing the bidding of neocons and reactionaries. Yassamine Mather savages the so-called ‘people’s tribunal’ which took place in London last week

Bitter fruit of imperialism

04 Nov 2021

Islamist jihadism is a modern, not an ancient, phenomenon. Yassamine Mather looks at causes, social roots and terrible consequences

Persona non grata

28 Oct 2021

There are mounting tensions with the west and a rocky economy. Turkey’s president is facing challenging times, writes Esen Uslu

Prince over the water

14 Oct 2021

The takeover of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia’s MBS highlights the contradictory position of fans in modern football, says Paul Demarty

Honouring the victims

14 Oct 2021

On October 9 a group of Iranian revolutionaries, now mainly based in North America and Europe, organised an online meeting to commemorate the 1988 massacre of political prisoners. Among the speakers were Yassamine Mather, Shahin Chitsaz and Mike Macnair

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