
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Political fightback

30 Jul 1998

There is no future for the Socialist Alliances in tailing spontaneity

CPGB paranoia?

23 Jul 1998

The following newsletter of the ‘Campaigning Alliances Bulletin’ has been circulated by comrade Nick Long, convenor of Lewisham SA and a member of the Socialist Democracy Group. It is advertised as “a newsletter of those committed to building real Socialist Alliances”

Open fight for communism

16 Jul 1998

A reply to comrade Abse

16 Jul 1998

For a new party

16 Jul 1998

“A totally open and public document for discussion amongst members and sympathisers of the London Socialist Alliance and all the London borough Socialist Alliances”, written by Toby Abse of Lewisham SA

Tyranny of the clock

09 Jul 1998

London Socialist Alliance

Localist dead end

09 Jul 1998

Hypocrisy - the proof

09 Jul 1998

London Socialist Alliance

Alliances enter new phase

09 Jul 1998

For or against inclusive democracy

09 Jul 1998

Danny Hammill reports on the July 5 London Socialist Alliance general meeting

Campaign struggles for momentum

09 Jul 1998

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Socialist Hypocrisy Group

09 Jul 1998

Party notes

Plotters exposed

09 Jul 1998

For inclusive democracy in Socialist Alliances

Unique opportunity

02 Jul 1998

London Socialist Alliance

Fiddling while Rome burns

02 Jul 1998

Around the left

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