
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Commission results

08 Apr 1999

Party notes

Network of Socialist Alliances conference

25 Mar 1999

No exclusion of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

Progress on NW slate

25 Mar 1999

Socialist Alliances

Bull and Fisc still in

25 Mar 1999

Simon Harvey of the SLP

SWP in crisis

25 Mar 1999

Scargill’s decision to contest the Euro elections has thrown Tony Cliff’s organisation into disarray

Scargill calls up Brar

11 Mar 1999

Simon Harvey of the SLP

North West to stand

11 Mar 1999

Socialist Alliances

Left unites

11 Mar 1999

Bull expelled

04 Mar 1999

With the vice-president gone and his EPSR in the dog house, the Appeal faction makes a final bid for Scargill’s favours

Still loyal to Arthur

04 Mar 1999

Royston Bull, editor of the Economic and Philosophic Science Review and vice-president of the SLP, was expelled last month (see p8). We reproduce the main text his January letter sent to Scargill just before he was hauled before the notorious complaints committee

Call for SLP compromise

04 Mar 1999

In a last desperate move as party members, officers of West Ham, Lewisham East and Deptford CSLPs break Scargill’s ban on the circulation of documents

Unprincipled manoeuvres

04 Mar 1999

Left unity

Uncomfortable unanimity

04 Mar 1999

Tom Delargy of the Scottish Socialist Party reflects on its founding conference

ILN-SWP try to oust CPGB

04 Mar 1999

Keep left unity on track

25 Feb 1999

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