
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Which way for RCN?

19 Oct 2000

Socialist Alliance roundup

12 Oct 2000

Leeds shenanigans

Socialist Alliance general election challenge

05 Oct 2000

Last weekend's conference of the Socialist Alliance network represented a considerable advance towards the aim of a united left challenge in the forthcoming general election.

Coventry by numbers

05 Oct 2000

Two unions, three rooms and three trends

Build the local alliances

05 Oct 2000

Confusing workers

05 Oct 2000

A meeting between the Scottish Socialist Party and the Socialist Workers Party was held on August 8 to investigate the possibility of SWP comrades in Scotland joining the SSP. This is the SSP's summary of the discussion

Press statement

05 Oct 2000

Campaign to Defend Democracy

Simon Harvey of the SLP

05 Oct 2000

Arthur's hundred

Deeper unity not break-ups

28 Sep 2000

New Labour no longer rides high in opinion polls. Yet tragically there exists no viable, all-United Kingdom, leftwing alternative. It is the Tories who have benefited from discontent and staged something of a mid-term recovery...

Socialist Alliance - response to majority recommendations

28 Sep 2000

What CPGB proposes

CPGB-AWL debate on the transitional method

28 Sep 2000

Notes of the third, July 14, meeting between the Alliance for Workers' Liberty and the CPGB. Martin Thomas (MT) and Paul Hampton (PH) represented the AWL, while Mark Fischer (MF) and John Bridge (JB) spoke for the CPGB

Fighting to win

28 Sep 2000

Greg Tucker, secretary of the LSA and a member of the International Socialist Group, looks forward to the general election and uniting all revolutionaries into one organisation

Hackney Wick by-election

21 Sep 2000

Help needed

Pat Strong of the Socialist Party

21 Sep 2000

Breaking up the SA

Simon Harvey of the SLP

21 Sep 2000

Brar - airbrushed out

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