
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Keeping left out

12 Nov 2003

Cameron Richards reports from the launch of John Marek's new party in Wrexham

End the left's disunity

12 Nov 2003

Tina Becker highlights the main issues facing the ESF in Paris

Britain to host ESF 2004

12 Nov 2003

Tina Becker on the prospects and problems

Why Attac tries to apply brakes

12 Nov 2003

Under the leadership of the French organising committee, the ESF has made a sharp turn to the right. Tina Becker explains

Holding the line

06 Nov 2003

Marcus Ström reports about the formation of a democracy platform in the Socialist Alliance

Preventing domination

06 Nov 2003

Tina Becker reports on latest developments in the bid to bring the European Social Forum to London

Splits and coalitions

30 Oct 2003

Josh Fontes reports about the Australian left

Socialist Alliance: Manning quits

30 Oct 2003

Comrade Margaret Manning resigned from the EC on October 6 - and has attempted to keep this matter a 'private concern'. Martin Blum thinks not

A 'credible' alternative?

23 Oct 2003

The SWP's majority bloc has no confidence that socialism can win a mass audience, says Mark Fischer

Control-freakery provokes 'rival' bid

23 Oct 2003

Tina Becker has the latest news from the European Social Forum

Agreeing to disagree

16 Oct 2003

Sean Matgamna of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty demands to know the politics on which a new workers' party would be based. Is ideological consensus a requirement for unity? Manny Neira argues not

A brief history of lying

01 May 2003

If Galloway proves to be innocent, he will join a large club of those who have been maligned by the intelligence services and the press for political reasons. A few examples:

Gloves come off

01 May 2003

By coming after George Galloway, the bourgeois media is trying to tarnish the whole anti-war movement, says Manny Neira

London's unlikely champion of dissent

01 May 2003

A successful and positive launch of the Greenwich Stop the War Coalition put paid to those pundits who say the anti-war movement has evaporated with the conquest of Iraq, says Marcus Ström

Bureaucracy and confusion in Berlin

01 May 2003

Over the weekend of April 27-28 some 350 people from 180 organisations attended the latest gathering to prepare for the 2003 European Social Forum in Paris (November 12-16). This time it was the turn of Berlin to act as host. Tina Becker reports

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