
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Down but not out

17 Jun 2021

A master schemer and skilled rabble-rouser, with well cultivated US links. But above all going with the flow of history was key to Netanyahu’s success. No wonder Moshé Machover thinks it is far too early to write off this flawed and deeply unpleasant man

Fascism needs definition

17 Jun 2021

Marxism strives for clarity and telling the truth. Jack Conrad replies to Hasan Keser and Daniel Lazare

Texas and the F-word

10 Jun 2021

Can fascism be established in the absence of a working class threat? Daniel Lazare believes it is possible

Coalition in turmoil

10 Jun 2021

Mired in corruption, pursuing costly foreign adventures and a tanking economy, Esen Uslu looks at the shambles

Seven are the doors to hell

10 Jun 2021

Yassamine Mather reports on the new restrictions, the disqualifications and what passes for debate in the presidential election campaign

House built on sand

10 Jun 2021

The only common factor in the aspiring eight-party coalition is an aversion to Binyamin Netanyahu. Tony Greenstein thinks it cannot last long

Promises, losers and threats

10 Jun 2021

The G7 summit is going to see a reassertion of American hegemony. But, asks Eddie Ford, will this really mean a return of the social democratic consensus?

Where is America going?

03 Jun 2021

Has there been a social democratic turn following Joe Biden’s victory? Now, after all, his administration promises not only to tax the rich, but help the poor. Then there is China, the EU and the so-called third world. This is an edited version of the talk Hillel Ticktin gave to the May 27 Online Communist Forum

Pogrom state made manifest

03 Jun 2021

The far-right terror campaign against Palestinians sees the police arresting those who dare resist. Meanwhile global opposition to Israel grows apace. Tony Greenstein looks at the changing picture

Flying saucers over Washington

03 Jun 2021

UFOs are back in the news again. Paul Demarty explores the cold war background and its exotic leftwing offshoots and variants

Strategic rivalries remain

27 May 2021

Daniel Lazare says ending tensions with Russia will take more than discarding opposition to Nord Stream 2

End Zionist oppression

27 May 2021

The latest murderous colonial onslaught, especially against those caged in Gaza, was driven by Netanyahu’s narrow personal interests. This is an edited version of the talk Moshé Machover gave to the May 23 Online Communist Forum

Signs of decay

20 May 2021

Yassamine Mather looks at Iran’s presidential hopefuls and what passes for their rival programmes

Ulster unionism in crisis

20 May 2021

Brexit, together with shifts in both population and political allegiances, means that something now has to give, reckons Derek James

Assault on democracy

20 May 2021

Trump’s cult of the personality is taking on Bonapartist traits. Rather than a fellow member, he plainly sees himself as a monarch, lording over the GOP while in temporary exile. Daniel Lazare reports

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