
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Humanitarianism and imperialism

21 Nov 1996

Working class wiped off the map

14 Nov 1996

Power in our hands

24 Oct 1996

Des Wilson is a catholic priest and community activist in West Belfast. Peter Manson asked him how he viewed the present situation in the Six Counties

Unite against imperialist schemes

24 Oct 1996

Turkish state conspiracy

24 Oct 1996

The Platform for Rights and Freedom in Turkey has sent this report on the police conspiracy against the group’s spokesperson

Lebed the terrible

24 Oct 1996

IRA propaganda setback for Tories

17 Oct 1996

Afghan skeletons

17 Oct 1996

Afghanistan throws into sharp relief the failure of revolutionaries in Britain to resist the tidal wave of anti-communism unleashed by the Red Army’s intervention. Eddie Ford takes a critical look at the left’s record

The power of television

17 Oct 1996

A kinder form of oppression

10 Oct 1996

Cheerleaders for reaction

10 Oct 1996

Around the left

Fatherland torture centre

10 Oct 1996

Andrew MacKay spoke to Mehmet Osman (not his real name) in Istanbul, Turkey

Turkish state attacks Kurds

10 Oct 1996

Final act of counterrevolution

03 Oct 1996

Murderous occupation

03 Oct 1996

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