

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Call for left cooperation

19 Jun 1997

The following motion, proposed by comrade Tom Delargy of Paisley SSA, was unanimously passed at the SSA’s annual conference on Saturday June 14

Summer Offensive reaches halfway mark

19 Jun 1997

Party notes

‘Have a nice day ...’

19 Jun 1997

Scargill bans democracy

19 Jun 1997

Scargill draws the line against the fight for democracy - Mark Fischer asks, ‘Which side are you on?’

National question - a key debate

12 Jun 1997

Edinburgh Scottish Socialist Alliance and Red magazine organised a successful day school on Sunday June 1 on the national question in Scotland and Ireland

PCC statement

12 Jun 1997

In response to requests from critics of our stance on the demand for a sovereign Scottish parliament, our Party leadership underlines its position on self-determination in this statement

For an active boycott! For genuine self-determination!

12 Jun 1997

Scottish Socialist Alliance faces key test – for self-determination or Blair’s sop referendum?

Openness against the witch hunt

12 Jun 1997

Simon Harvey looks forward to the Campaign for a Democratic SLP’s conference and calls for unity

Honouring James Connolly

12 Jun 1997

Campaigning against unity

12 Jun 1997

Party notes

Fighting fund

05 Jun 1997

Linda Addison reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

The 1997 general election and perspectives for Marxism

05 Jun 1997

Below we reprint an edited version of the Socialist Party’s internal discussion document on the political landscape following the general election. We hope this will serve to open up the discussion around the tasks of the left

Reality in Scotland missed

05 Jun 1997

Boycotting the republic?

05 Jun 1997

After a debate at the CPGB’s London seminar last Saturday, Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) responds to criticisms

Democrat attacked

05 Jun 1997

In the Weekly Worker (May 22) we reported on a conference in Manchester to discuss a campaign for a democratic SLP. The SLP’s candidate in Vauxhall, South London, has come under Scargill’s fire for taking part in this democracy meeting

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