
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Left’s movementist delusions

13 Jul 2017

Neither a million-strong demonstration nor mass strikes would in themselves be likely to bring down the Tories, argues Mike Macnair. But, with the government weak and wobbly, the real question is what happens after a general election. Greece holds plenty of negative lessons

Racists and Islamophobes

06 Jul 2017

Following the triumph of the right in last month’s local elections, writes Toby Abse, the left appears more and more isolated

Fossil fuel era continues

06 Jul 2017

Predictions of an imminent decline of oil are misplaced, argues Jack Conrad. Along with global temperatures, consumption is set to rise

Optimism and pessimism

29 Jun 2017

What is the nature of capitalist crises? Paul B Smith weighs up two contending views

Seize, occupy, requisition

29 Jun 2017

Eddie Ford welcomes Jeremy Corbyn’s militant approach to the housing crisis

How about thinking like a Marxist?

22 Jun 2017

Chris Gray reviews: Kate Raworth Doughnut economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist Random House Business Books, 2017, pp384, £20

Capital in disarray

22 Jun 2017

The UK economy is set to enter a period of recession, argues Michael Roberts

Keynes or Marx?

18 May 2017

What is capital’s driving force? Michael Roberts explores the profit-investment nexus

Dictatorship and ‘democracy’

18 May 2017

Yassamine Mather reports on the final days of the presidential election campaign

A story of isolation

11 May 2017

Unification under capitalism can only but perpetuate inequality, writes Michael Roberts

Unplanning delusions

11 May 2017

The collapse of the Soviet Union does not prove that planning is impossible, argues Mike Macnair

Not back to normal

27 Apr 2017

The centre-right and the centre-left suffered defeat, but the markets are no longer in a panic. Yassamine Mather looks at the French ... and the Iranian presidential elections

Civilisation and the ‘long run’

06 Apr 2017

Will the Keynesian radicals become mainstream conservatives when the long depression ends? It is capitalism itself that is the problem, argues Michael Roberts

Karl Marx and ‘eco-Marxism’

30 Mar 2017

The threat of ‘ecocidal capitalism’ is linked to the absence of a class-conscious international proletariat, writes Rex Dunn

Creating a level playing field

16 Mar 2017

How is the law used to protect the interests of capital? Michael Roberts discusses the tension between competition and monopoly

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