
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Regrets, they’ve had a few

23 May 2024

Why has the SWP issued a public statement on its 2013 rape scandal? Paul Demarty looks at the record and searches for answers

Mark of the beast

23 May 2024

Trying to ‘influence those with the greatest power’ to ‘minimise’ the ‘harmful effects of climate change’ with the ‘utmost speed and resolution’ has proven to be a predictable failure, argues Jack Conrad. Instead of soggy protest politics, we need the politics of power

Delusions of a progressive capitalism

16 May 2024

Michael Roberts reviews Joseph E Stiglitz The road to freedom: economics and the good society Allen Lane pp384, £25

Monetarism and its discontents

09 May 2024

Most mainstream economists still imagine that high interest rates are the most effective way to fight inflation. Michael Roberts begs to differ. Inflation is less a demand, more a supply issue

Death in academia

02 May 2024

Oxford University has finally closed down its Future of Humanity Institute. Paul Demarty explores the social limits of AI and the long-termist utilitarian ideology promoted by Nick Bostrom

Lights going out

25 Apr 2024

Dissatisfaction rates soar, surgeries close and new contracts are imposed on unwilling GPs - all part of the ongoing privatisation drive, writes James Linney

From magnificent to desperate

11 Apr 2024

Share prices hit record highs, profits soar. Is another recession really off the agenda? Michael Roberts investigates present-day capitalism’s inability to end stagnation and revolutionise productivity

Money, debt and crap

11 Apr 2024

Thames Water has defaulted on debt repayments; there is talk of renationalisation. Meanwhile there is an ongoing scandal about the release of untreated sewage into rivers and seas. Mike Macnair investigates the problems and possible solutions

Not dealing with causes

28 Mar 2024

IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva is suddenly worrying about inequality, says Michael Roberts. A significant ideological shift away from the neoliberal consensus

Rules of the game

14 Mar 2024

Liam Byrne reckons that the social mission of Labour is for ‘equality’ and ‘fairness’ and yet the fundamental causes of inequality lie in the system of capital itself, writes Michael Roberts

Online Communist Forum, Sunday March 10 5pm

07 Mar 2024

Celebrating International Women’s Day: Mike Taber and Daria Dyakonova speak about their new book The communist women’s movement 1920‑22, proceedings, resolutions and reports

Only solution: socialist democracy

29 Feb 2024

Is the People’s Republic heading for a crack-up or uninterrupted progress, asks Daniel Lazare. Perhaps we should ask Frederick Engels - or maybe not

Decay fast and furious

29 Feb 2024

At great human cost NHS dentistry has been driven almost to the point of extinction. A similar outcome threatens health services in general, writes Ian Spencer

Continuing the false narrative

15 Feb 2024

Will Moore reviews Tom Barrow (director) 'The miners’ strike 1984 - the battle for Britain' Channel 4

Isabel Schnabel’s last mile

15 Feb 2024

Central bankers are determined to keep interest rates high in an effort to dampen down inflation. But, as Michael Roberts explains, the reason why there has been a spike in inflation is down to supply issues and excessive profits, not excessive demand

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