
WW archive > Issue 115 - 26 October 1995

Howard attack, tip of the iceberg

The Tories’ latest attack on asylum seekers and the tightening of immigration controls is another in the round of attacks on the whole of the working class. But the Labour Party is eagerly vying for a leading position in the chauvinist league. A united working class response is urgently needed. It is therefore important to examine the gains we have made since the last TUC ‘Unite against racism’ march


No to censorship; Below the belt

Police unpopular

What about the Communist Party?

A Response to the WRP’s call for a new socialist party, Bob Smith - for a permanent Party Polemic Committee

Debating the IS tradition

Aslef leader accused of corruption

Ewin murderer to be charged

Hope and betrayal: Spain 1936

Danny Hammill reviews 'Land and Freedom', directed by Ken Loach (general release)

Ireland: the object lesson

From ‘The Communist’, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, October 28 1920

Scots promised sham democracy

Merseyside fights backs

Liverpool aflame

US establishment embraces Farrakhan

Farrakhan claims a million black men are their own enemy

Justice and the law

Fighting fund

Linda Addison reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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