
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Free at last!

27 Jun 2024

He exposed US war crimes, dissed the global hegemon and faced life imprisonment. Sir Keir Starmer did nothing to help him. On the contrary, there was complicity with the Obama administration. Marcus Strom welcomes the release, but worries about the continued threat to free speech

Operation Imperial Overlord

13 Jun 2024

Rishi Sunak committed a ‘gaffe’ by leaving the D-Day celebrations before Joe Biden’s speech, it is claimed by an over-excited media. But, asks Mike Macnair, what was the military and strategic meaning of the Normandy landings?

Playing word games

30 May 2024

‘It’s only genocide when we say so’ - Daniel Lazare contrasts US grandstanding over Serbia and Xinjiang with its complicity in Israel’s war crimes in Gaza

Genocide by starvation

23 May 2024

Israel’s war cabinet is split over plans for Gaza: military occupation or an international civil administration? Meanwhile, Eddie Ford condemns the ICC for drawing a moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel

Unholy trinity continues to push

23 May 2024

Thanks to the US, Nato and the EU, the Ukraine fallout is spreading, writes Daniel Lazare - not least in Georgia and Slovakia

Netanyahu’s war wish

18 Apr 2024

A provocation like the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus has long been expected, says Moshé Machover. War with Iran would provide the cover needed for the mass expulsion of yet more Palestinians

Notes on the war

04 Apr 2024

At this particular juncture the west’s proxy finds itself on the back foot, says Jack Conrad. Doubtless that explains why Donald Tusk is warning Russia that a wider war in Europe is “a real threat”

Notes on the war

22 Feb 2024

After two years of battlefield carnage there is stalemate. Jack Conrad calls for the left to break from social-pacifism and centrism

Tucker in Putinland

15 Feb 2024

A two-hour long interview with Vladimir Putin told us little new about anything, but stands in intriguing contrast to the routine media spin, argues Paul Demarty

Risks and horrors of AUKUS

08 Feb 2024

Labor’s ‘left’ faction around Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong has openly and unashamedly embraced the alliance with US imperialism, now it is in government, says Martin Greenfield

Why is there a drug war?

08 Feb 2024

Mass incarceration and police brutality are no answer to either the gangs or drug-related health issues, argues Daniel Lazare

Stopping Trump juggernaut

18 Jan 2024

Sleepy Joe is driving voters into Republican arms. The more he tries to stop Trump, the stronger Trump gets, argues Daniel Lazare

CPGB Provisional Central Committee: Statement on Israel-Gaza war

04 Jan 2024

Notes on the war

14 Dec 2023

With the failure of Zelensky’s offensive there can be no doubt that there is a stalemate now. Perfect conditions for unofficial ceasefires and fraternisation, argues Jack Conrad

Far from pacified

07 Dec 2023

There can be no possibility of a military solution in Gaza. October 7 was a death trip, argues Daniel Lazare

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