
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

SWP in crisis

25 Mar 1999

Scargill’s decision to contest the Euro elections has thrown Tony Cliff’s organisation into disarray

Revolutionary openness

11 Mar 1999

Marcus Larsen replies to Australia’s Democratic Socialist Party (see pp4-5)

No public criticism

11 Mar 1999

The main left group in Austrailia, the Democratic Socialist Party, refused a representative of the Communist Party of Great Britain permission to attend its 18th national conference in January. We reproduce the DSP’s reasons and the reply of comrade Marcus Larsen (pp6-7)

Left unites

11 Mar 1999

Tailing Macpherson

04 Mar 1999

Around the left

Unprincipled manoeuvres

04 Mar 1999

Left unity

ILN-SWP try to oust CPGB

04 Mar 1999

Keep left unity on track

25 Feb 1999

Free Kurdistan!

25 Feb 1999


25 Feb 1999

Party notes

Euroland and internationalism

18 Feb 1999

Around the left

Scargill changes tack

18 Feb 1999

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Long journey’s end

18 Feb 1999

Irish liquidators liquidate

Call for enquiry

18 Feb 1999

Party notes

‘Red’ Ken shadow boxing with Blair

18 Feb 1999

Left needs its own candidate for London mayor

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