
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis


16 Sep 1999

Party notes

Peter Taaffe’s political leprosy

16 Sep 1999

Pat Strong of the Socialist Party demands that the organisation’s leaders come clean on differences over the SWP and left unity

SPEW split on SWP

09 Sep 1999

We reproduce some recent correspondence between the Socialist Party in England and Wales and the Socialist Workers Party, together with a report of a meeting between the two groups, taken from SPEW’s Members Bulletin No37, June 1999.

Recruit and integrate

02 Sep 1999

Party notes

Politics and money

26 Aug 1999

‘Official communists’ open up

26 Aug 1999

Will Robert Griffiths be the death of the CPB?

Europe and the politics of the offensive

19 Aug 1999

Taaffe loses Pakistan

19 Aug 1999

The disintegration of the Socialist Party in England and Wales, along with its Committee for a Workers International, continues to accelerate. We reproduce statements which have recently come into our hands from the CWI’s Special International Bulletin (October 1998): the first announcing the suspension from the CWI of the Labour Party Pakistan and the second an edited version of the LPP national committee’s response

London left unity

19 Aug 1999

Party notes

Thunder in a cloudy sky

29 Jul 1999

Mehdi Kia looks at the Iranian students’ revolt

Need for programme

22 Jul 1999

AWL faces both ways

Spontaneity and the trap of Laborism

22 Jul 1999

A member of the expelled minority of the Committee for a Workers International section in the USA slams the leadership of Peter Taaffe and Lynn Walsh

Crisis around the LRCI

22 Jul 1999

John Stone of the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International examines the contradictions in Workers Power’s attitude to New Labour and the Balkans war

More resignations

15 Jul 1999

Pat Strong of the Socialist Party - Fight for revolutionary programme

Left unity forum launched

15 Jul 1999

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