
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Trump threatens N-deal

26 Jan 2017

It is time to reboot Hands Off the People of Iran, argues Yassamine Mather

Reason in revolt

19 Jan 2017

Lawrence Parker reviews: Paul Flewers and John McIlroy (editors) 1956: John Saville, EP Thompson and The Reasoner Merlin Press, 2016, pp450, £20.

Fake claims blown apart

19 Jan 2017

Al Jazeera’s The lobby exposes the establishment’s ‘anti-Semitism’ claims for what they are, writes Tony Greenstein

Steele’s very British coup

19 Jan 2017

Whatever the truth of the salacious details, the Trump dossier is a reminder that the state is not politically neutral, argues Jim Grant

After the fall of Aleppo

12 Jan 2017

Opposition to imperialism does not mean support for Assad, argues Yassamine Mather, and the myth of the moderate opposition is busted

Palestine and Hebrew self-determination

12 Jan 2017

Is there a Hebrew nation and how should it be defined? Moshé Machover proposes a strategy envisaging the defeat of Zionism

Yet more retreats

12 Jan 2017

Backpedalling will not save Jeremy Corbyn, argues Paul Demarty

Immeasurable loss

15 Dec 2016

Obituary: Moshé Machover remembers Sadiq Jalal al-Azm, 1934-2016

Punished for Brexit muddle

15 Dec 2016

In, out or what? Eddie Ford is still unsure about Jeremy Corbyn’s position on Europe

A false narrative

15 Dec 2016

The current Momentum crisis has nothing to do with age, Trotsky or even the voting method to be used at conference, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists. It is about who controls Momentum and for what political ends

Quest for purity

15 Dec 2016

Is dubbing Israel a ‘racist state’ anti-Semitic? Tony Greenstein looks at the reality on the ground

Reaping the harvest

15 Dec 2016

Al Nusra are not brave rebels, writes Yassamine Mather. The jihadist group has been financed and directed by the west’s allies with the sole aim of bringing about regime change from above

A vote on Renzi, not Europe

15 Dec 2016

Toby Abse looks at the possibilities following the referendum defeat and subsequent resignation of the prime minister

The nuclear option

08 Dec 2016

While Jon Lansman considers ending it all, the left majority needs to press home its advantage, urges Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

An anti-militarist’s moral dilemmas

08 Dec 2016

Despite being employed by an institution responsible for advanced weapons research, writes Chris Knight, Noam Chomsky had a political conscience that refused to lie down

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