
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Three scenarios to ponder

07 Dec 2017

The left must expect the unexpected after the next general election. Peter Manson reports

Zionism and holocaust abuse

30 Nov 2017

It is completely legitimate to draw comparisons with the Nazis, insists Tony Greenstein

Floundering in wake of Corbynism

23 Nov 2017

Peter Manson takes a look at the SWP’s second pre-conference bulletin and the poverty of thought

Quoting Nazis to damn ‘the Zionists’

16 Nov 2017

From Solidarity November 8 2017

Shutting out reality

09 Nov 2017

The SWP has been dragged into the sexual harassment scandal. Paul Demarty revisits the case

Enough wishful thinking

03 Nov 2017

The left must do better than acting as Puigdemont’s PR department, argues Paul Demarty

Centrepiece of imperial strategy

03 Nov 2017

On the centenary of the Balfour declaration, Tony Greenstein looks at the reasons underlying British support for Zionism

Disintegrating alliance

02 Nov 2017

The SACP is calling for a ‘reconfigured alliance’ with the ANC in a desperate attempt to stave off the pressure from below, writes Peter Manson

Pisapia’s soap opera

19 Oct 2017

Thankfully the attempt by the former mayor of Milan to pull fragments to the left of the PD back into the fold has ended in failure, writes Toby Abse

Party’s Sunday best

19 Oct 2017

The Sunday Worker reached a circulation of 100,000. And, far from shunning argument, it encouraged different leftwing viewpoints, says Lawrence Parker

First Corbyn, then us

19 Oct 2017

As the first Pre-conference bulletin shows, Labour presents a huge dilemma for the SWP. Peter Manson wonders if it has any answers

Heading for chaos

28 Sep 2017

Yassamine Mather looks at the reaction to the independence referendum

Humpty Dumpty and ‘anti-Semitism’

21 Sep 2017

The Jewish Labour Movement claims its rule change has been adopted by the Labour Party NEC, Kat Gugino, of Labour Party Marxists, begs to differ

Rearming the April theses

14 Sep 2017

With the help of some new insights, Rex Dunn argues that Lars T Lih’s continuity theory does not stand up, despite the new evidence he has uncovered

Where next for the ANC?

14 Sep 2017

Are there hopeful signs amidst the poverty and corruption? South African socialist, author and journalist Terry Bell addressed a London Communist Forum on September 10

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