
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Black section uproar

18 Dec 1997

Peter Manson reports on the SLP congress

Fight on all fronts

18 Dec 1997

German students streik

11 Dec 1997

PDS: Germany’s SLP?

11 Dec 1997

The German PDS is viewed by some as a sister organisation of Britain’s SLP. Others contrast this ‘party of recomposition’ favourably to Scargill’s party, citing a broader, more inclusive democracy. PDS member Kathrin Becker examines the reality

The best hope

11 Dec 1997

Around the left

Winnie fills SACP vacuum

04 Dec 1997

Lacking the will to win in Manchester

04 Dec 1997

Election bloc call fudged

04 Dec 1997

Be serious

04 Dec 1997

Party notes

… and CPB lackeys stay loyal

04 Dec 1997

New LRCI, new twists

27 Nov 1997

John Stone of the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International (LCMRCI) discusses the continuing theoretical decline of the Workers Power group

Our slogans and reality

27 Nov 1997

A reply to comrade Dave Craig

Far too much

27 Nov 1997

Around the left

Homophobic SLP hustings

27 Nov 1997


27 Nov 1997

Party notes

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