
Marxist unity > Socialist Labour Party

SLP National Executive Committee - election results

18 Dec 1997

Breathtaking hypocrisy

18 Dec 1997

Black section uproar

18 Dec 1997

Peter Manson reports on the SLP congress

Royston’s day fails to dawn

18 Dec 1997

Tatchell outraged at homophobia in SLP

18 Dec 1997

Fight on all fronts

18 Dec 1997

A delegate’s view

18 Dec 1997

Simon Harvey of the SLP

For a revolution in the SLP!

18 Dec 1997

Party notes

Message to SLP members

18 Dec 1997

Agreed statement of 57 congress delegates and observers

Three men, 3,000 votes

18 Dec 1997

Delegates at the December 13-14 congress of the Socialist Labour Party in London's Conway Hall were stunned to learn that they were powerless to change the party’s policies or constitution. The block vote of a single trade union affiliate swamped those of 114 Constituency SLPs

Fight homophobia

11 Dec 1997

The issue of gay rights is a controversial one in the SLP. Here Peter Tatchell speaks to Mark Fischer about the fight for gay liberation

One route?

11 Dec 1997

Ronnie McDonald was general secretary of offshore union Oilc from 1992 until his retirement from the post in January. Peter Manson asked him about his decision to join the SLP earlier this year

Socialist Labour conference: Factions square up

11 Dec 1997

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) weighs up the balance of forces in the SLP

Disunity blunts left challenge

11 Dec 1997

This exchange of letters between supporters of the Marxist Bulletin and the SLP Republicans group illustrates the continuing friction between sections of the SLP left. Their inability to unite around a common platform threatens to marginalise democrats in the party

Scargill’s Labour Party?

11 Dec 1997

Simon Harvey of the SLP

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