
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

For principled solidarity

25 Oct 2007

Yassamine Mather of Hands Off the People of Iran points to the renewed imperialist threats but warns against the anti-imperialism of fools

Jack Conrad replies

25 Oct 2007

Open letter to Andrew Murray

18 Oct 2007

From Yassamine Mather, Hands Off the People of Iran

Drawing the pro-Tehran line

18 Oct 2007

The rejection by the Stop the War Coalition of the affiliations of Hands Off the People of Iran and Communist Students represents a sharp political line being drawn as war on Iran looms, says Mark Fischer

Playing for high stakes

18 Oct 2007

Turkey's government is bringing a bill before the grand national assembly allowing the army to cross the border into Iraq for punitive expeditions. Esen Uslu reports

Boycotts and working class principle

11 Oct 2007

Mike Macnair outlines the tactics communists ought to adopt in relation to Israel

Rights and wrongs

04 Oct 2007

A boycott of Israeli academe should target institutions, not individuals, argues Moshe Machover

Solidarity with the oppressed

27 Sep 2007

Tony Greenstein calls on socialists to support a boycott of Israel

Bellicose diversions

20 Sep 2007

Yassamine Mather comments on the speculation about possible 'shock and awe' attacks by Israel and the United States on Iran's nuclear installations and other strategic targets

Fasts and exploitation

20 Sep 2007

A group of workers in Iran Khodro, the country's largest car plant, issued this statement on September 17

Toothless motions and hysterical attacks

20 Sep 2007

The proposed UCU boycott of Israeli universities is an ineffective weapon, argues Hillel Ticktin.1 This is the first in a series of articles on the issue which will feature various writers

Leave it to the Taliban

20 Sep 2007

Phil Kent reports on the day school on Afghanistan, organised by the Stop the War Coalition

Smearing solidarity

13 Sep 2007

The issue of Iran solidarity has provoked controversy recently in the debates on Indymedia Ireland (www.indymedia.ie). Anne Mc Shane reports

A precarious truce

06 Sep 2007

What does the election of Abdullah Gul as president mean for Turkey? Esen Uslu analyses the new situation

Imperialism, Palestine and Israel

06 Sep 2007

Is the Israeli tail wagging the US dog? In this edited version of a talk given to the London branch of the Campaign for a Marxist Party in August, Moshé Machover looks at the history of western intervention in the Middle East

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