

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Left cooperation forbidden

02 Oct 1997

The following letter was sent by Arthur Scargill to Chris Weller, secretary of the Kent Socialist Alliance

Scargill tightens his grip

02 Oct 1997

As the SLP’s party congress approaches, Arthur Scargill is taking a leaf from Tony Blair’s book - by gagging debate

Fear but no expulsion ... and no gagging

25 Sep 1997

Sharp exchanges at SSA National Council

Cardiff calls for open debate

25 Sep 1997

This letter has been sent to the editor of Socialist News, the Socialist Labour Party’s paper, by one of the most active SLP branches

Obituary: Barbara Lewis

25 Sep 1997

May 31 1931 - September 19 1997

Trotsky’s ‘slur’

25 Sep 1997

Party notes

‘Fight to transform TUC’

25 Sep 1997

Prominent members of the Socialist Labour Party give their reactions to Arthur Scargill’s ‘alternative trade union centre’

Accurately produced

18 Sep 1997

Peter Manson replies for the Weekly Worker

Diversity encouraged?

18 Sep 1997

Nick Clark, for the CPGB’s Scottish Committee, replies to the allegations made by Scottish Socialist Alliance national secretary Allan Green

Draft statement

18 Sep 1997

Draft statement to the National Council of the Scottish Socialist Alliance on misleading and false statements about the SSA which have been circulated by the CPGB/Weekly Worker

Creating space for communist politics

18 Sep 1997

Anne Murphy discusses the work of the CPGB in Scotland and reviews the debate at last week’s Communist Party aggregate

China, Scargill and ‘Don Hoskins’

18 Sep 1997

Simon Harvey of the SLP

No debate at TUC

18 Sep 1997

Joe Marino, general secretary of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union and a member of the Socialist Labour Party, spoke to the Weekly Worker about last week’s Trade Union Congress

Conniving with management

18 Sep 1997

The criticism of comrades

18 Sep 1997

Party notes

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