
The left > Alliance for Workers Liberty

Front-line dispatch

29 Sep 2016

The rift between the Corbynistas and the right is irreconcilable. Simon Wells reports from Liverpool

Defend Corbyn where it really matters

14 Jul 2016

Why do sections of the left refuse to call for people join the Labour Party? Peter Manson looks at the contradictions of the SWP and SPEW

State department socialists

14 Jul 2016

In the wake of the Chilcot inquiry, Paul Demarty remembers that it was not merely the Blairites who put faith in the benevolence of American power

Fear, confusion and delusions

30 Jun 2016

Left responses to the referendum result vary from despondency to total exuberance. Both are misplaced, argues Paul Demarty

Left wing of Zionism

10 Mar 2016

Recent smears of ‘anti-Semitism’ against the left are an echo of similar allegations emanating from within the left, argues Paul Demarty

No strategy towards Labour

30 Apr 2015

What is the left saying about the general election? Daniel Harvey has been investigating

Intersectionality vs social-imperialism

06 Nov 2014

The recent spat in the NUS over Islamic State is indicative of the political disorientation of the student movement, writes Charles Gradnitzer

Those who side with imperialism

23 Oct 2014

Patrick Smith exposes spurious justifications and disastrous results

AWL: Giving advice to warmongers

31 Jul 2014

Charles Gradnitzer examines how the social imperialists have responded to the latest Israeli assault on Gaza

Imperialism versus internationalism

12 Aug 2004

In this concluding article, Mike Macnair argues that our most powerful enemy is the imperialist state. That is why communists are revolutionary defeatists

Imperialism lives on

05 Aug 2004

In the second of a short series of articles, Mike Macnair examines the role of the state in the global order and looks at alternatives to the 'imperialism of free trade' theory

AWL, Iraq and 'new imperialism'

29 Jul 2004

Mike Macnair argues that the failure of the AWL to call for an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq is a symptom of their flawed analysis of imperialism

Taaffe pulls out

20 Jan 2000

LSA slate for London elections


16 Sep 1999

Party notes

Need for programme

22 Jul 1999

AWL faces both ways

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