Carla Roberts
Latest articles by Carla Roberts
From powerhouse to powderkeg
AfD was the big winner but Die Linke got a real boost too. Carla Roberts does not rate the chances of the centre holding for much longer
Moshé and Nick
Question, question, question, that is Marxism. Carla Roberts reports on the latest session in the ‘Building a Communist Party’ series organised by Why Marx?, which addressed the question of sects and sectarianism
Dead-end politics
Secret conclaves, weird local campaigns, self-appointed gatekeepers and a complete lack of democracy. Carla Roberts takes a look at yet another broad-frontist party in the making
Two meetings and many possibilities
No-one thinks we stand on the threshold of mass politics. But there is clearly an audience, especially amongst those wanting to go beyond the confessional sects. Carla Roberts reports
Firewall and hot air
Migration is the number one issue. While almost all parties are marching to the right ahead of the February 23 general election, Die Linke’s slight move to the left might well justify a critical vote, argues Carla Roberts
New year, new left party?
Collective is pursuing Corbynism without Corbyn - it all looks very unpromising and very undemocratic … especially if the SWP tries to jump on board, says Carla Roberts
Permanent state of terror
Journalists and pro-Palestine activists are being arrested on terrorism charges. The mainstream media seems to have taken a vow of silence. So has the soft left, writes Carla Roberts
An unpalatable choice
With a February 23 general election agreed, German society is set to move right, reports Carla Roberts
Whimpering out of existence
The beginning of the end of all those efforts to rally what was the Corbyn movement seems to be in sight. Carla Roberts reports on the factions and the confusion
Danger of World War III: the communist response
Supported by: Ian Spencer, Bob Paul, Andy Hannah, Paul Cooper, Carla Roberts, Anne McShane
Different times, different slogans
Just because the Bolsheviks dropped defeatism, does not mean communists should do so today. That is obvious. But, though the CPGB calls for “turning what is a war between reactionary capitalist powers into a civil war”, Carla Roberts says that when engaging with others on the left, it is vital to uphold the phrase ‘revolutionary defeatism’, the ‘main enemy is at home’ slogan and the call for a workers’ militia
No illusions in greens
Under the leadership of Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay, the Green Party has moved considerably to the right. Despite that there are some on the left who want to sign up. Carla Roberts is unconvinced
Hidden divisions in Collective
After the ‘private meeting’ of the former Labour leader and a host of other former this and thats, Carla Roberts investigates the disorientation of the soft left and the probable results
Corbyn’s maybe party
An eclectic mixture of soft lefts, reformist has-beens, committed localists, inveterate unity-mongers and the plain deluded have been secretly meeting. But, asks Carla Roberts, can we expect anything more than yet another Labour Party mark two?
Campaign continues to build
Restrictions on protests, attempts to intimidate activists and suspension of export licences testify to the fact that the establishment is under massive pressure from below, says Carla Roberts
Government parties rejected
Alternative für Deutschland was the clear winner in state elections and the establishment has been rattled. But what to make of former ‘official communist’ Sahra Wagenknecht and her BSW? Carla Roberts investigates
Debating in urgent times
Against a background of a much expected Labour landslide, war in Gaza and Ukraine, the drive to encircle China and the looming threats of generalised nuclear exchange and climate breakdown, Ian Spencer and Carla Roberts report on this year’s talks
Rats in a sack
Local assemblies are a recipe for chaos, confusion and ineffectiveness. Jeremy Corbyn continues to disappoint, writes Carla Roberts
Not marvellous at all
Carla Roberts looks at the deluded souls who are celebrating the low turnout, Labour’s poor share of the vote and the election of four petty bourgeois independents
Right questions, wrong answers
George Galloway launched his Workers Party of Britain manifesto before the assembled media. It is characterised by an eclectic mix of World War II nostalgia, radical populism and ‘socialism in one country’ Stalinism, says Carla Roberts
Neither money nor personality
Carla Roberts reviews Alexei Sayle (narrator), Chris Reeves (director), Norman Thomas (writer) The big lie II - Starmer and the genocide Platform Films, 2024
Illusion springs eternal
A Starmer government will supposedly trigger a ‘crisis of expectations’. But, asks Carla Roberts, how can it? With promises of financial responsibility and keeping to Tory spending limits, popular expectations are almost non-existent
So it’s July 4
Rishi Sunak has gambled on falling inflation, tepid economic growth and Rwanda flights to win this summer’s general election. Carla Roberts says: while the Tories richly deserve to lose, we should do nothing to foster illusions in Sir Keir
Sir Keir’s Tory bigot
Natalie Elphicke is welcomed in. Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott are kept out. Meanwhile, the Corbynista left limps on in 57 insipid varieties, writes Carla Roberts
Third period Bennism
Should we support George Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain in the coming general election? Carla Roberts gives her take on the politics, programme and perspectives
We deserve better
Owen Jones has a dodgy record and still shows no understanding of what the anti-Zionism equals anti‑Semitism big lie is all about, says Carla Roberts
Where next for left?
Are Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway about to join forces? Carla Roberts takes a look at what is going on between these two reformist charlatans and the pending launch of yet another unprincipled lash-up - this time called Collective
Short memory syndrome
SWP members are being told they cannot possibly ‘call for a vote’ for George Galloway, but, as Carla Roberts reminds us, it was a very different story when they operated together in Respect
Unseating the Right Hon Sir Keir
In a bit of political theatre, two campaigns have selected Andrew Feinstein to contest Keir Starmer’s seat in the forthcoming general election. Carla Roberts reports
Thou shalt not criticise Israel
Socialists in Rochdale should vote for George Galloway on February 29. Not that we should suspend our criticisms, argues Carla Roberts
Farcical Labour Party mark two
Tusc’s February 3 convention was, by any objective assessment, an abject failure. Most of the organisations represented amount to no more than political dust, reports Carla Roberts
All together against far right
A secret meeting of a dozen abhorrent rightwingers has finally given the establishment a rod with which to beat the AfD, writes Carla Roberts
Joining the living dead
Carla Roberts wishes she was surprised that Jon Lansman has joined the Jewish Labour Movement
Sixty seconds and no politics
Launched in Nottingham, Transform is unlikely to set British politics alight. Carla Roberts reports on a truly bizarre event
Cowards, careerists and Corbyn diehards
Momentum MP Navendu Mishra claims to be in favour of a Gaza ceasefire. Despite that he followed Starmer’s orders to abstain, reports Carla Roberts
Named after the leaderene
Sahra Wagenknecht is that rarest of rare things - a popular politician - and she is set on a split with Die Linke and going her own way. Carla Roberts takes a look at her BSW project
Don’t mention apartheid
Sir Keir bans Labour banners at Palestine demonstrations, Jeremy Corbyn appeals to‘international law’, while the Campaign Group of Socialist MPs sticks to empty platitudes, reports Carla Roberts
Not much left of the left
So many rival projects and not a serious idea amongst the lot of them. A week ahead of the Liverpool conference, Carla Roberts looks at what little remains of the once mighty Corbyn movement
Still getting it wrong
Diane Abbott has finally spoken out on Labour’s ‘fraudulent’ disciplinary process. But, asks Carla Roberts, is Sir Keir’s refusing to allow her to stand as a Labour candidate the result of racism?
Witch-hunt bang to rights
A damning report concludes that in every fully investigated case, charges of anti-Semitism were found to be baseless. Carla Roberts is not surprised
Putting the record straight
Alexei Sayle (narrator), Chis Reeves (director), Norman Thomas (writer), Oh, Jeremy Corbyn - the big lie, Platform Films
Witch-hunt grows
While some on the disoriented left will support ‘anyone but Labour’, writes Carla Roberts, Momentum and what remains of the official Labour left beg Sir Keir for unity
Mixing left and right
Pollsters suggest that a new party set up by Sahra Wagenknecht would gain considerable support. But, asks Carla Roberts, where are the principled politics that are so desperately needed?
Open for business
Starmer is determined to display his loyalty to big business, the state and the Atlantic alliance by purging what is already a totally marginalised and useless official left. But, asks Carla Roberts, what if Jeremy Corbyn stood as an independent?
Principled voices few and far between
Despite Corbyn’s imminent departure, the ‘Anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism’ smear campaign remorselessly grinds on, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists.
Then there were four
Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists shows how appeasement has a terrible logic. But candidates can be pressurised from the left.
Put pressure on RLB
CLPs should demand the Labour leadership candidate distances herself from the ‘10 pledges’, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists.
Between a rock and a hard place
Candidates in the Labour leadership election reflect the self-inflicted defeat of the Labour left under Corbyn’s leadership, argues Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Recoiling from the challenge
Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists is puzzled by the decision of the Labour Representation Committee
More power to members
The furore over the parliamentary selection process and the restructuring of Jeremy Corbyn’s office show that Labour HQ is still focussing on the top, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists.
Joining with the witch-hunters
Stitching up Chris Williamson marks a turning point, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists.
Momentum cannot be rescued
There are various groups advocating reform. But, asks Carla Roberts, can they succeed?
One small step forward
The Labour Left Alliance held its first national networking meeting in Brighton. Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports.
A rough guide for delegates
Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists looks at some of the proposed rule changes to be debated by conference.
Witch-hunt's biggest victim
Chris Williamson has dared question the claim that Labour has become institutionally anti-Semitic under Jeremy Corbyn, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists. Now he is likely to be expelled for this crime.
Bitter fruit of appeasement
The renewed suspension of Chris Williamson and the degeneration of Momentum shows that the left in the party needs to get organised, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Let’s get trigger-happy
The reinstatement of Chris Williamson has riled the witch-hunters, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists. Now we must ensure that the decision to introduce the reformed trigger ballot process is used to drive them out
From Peterborough to Pompeo
With every new victim of the witch-hunt, the requirements to qualify as an ‘anti-Semite’ are substantially lowered, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
All part of the campaign
Pete Willsman is the victim of a well-timed sting - yet his own CLPD comrades will not stand in solidarity with him. Carla Roberts reports
Rothschild and irrationality
Carla Roberts looks forward to the May 4 members meeting of Labour Against the Witchhunt
Next step hard right
George Galloway, Claire Fox and Alka Sehgal Cuthbert are providing a ‘left’ cover for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
In praise of Momentum
The Jewish Labour Movement has recognised Jon Lansman’s ‘valuable work’ in support of Zionism, reports Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Where are our trigger ballots?
Jeremy Corbyn keeps digging his own grave, says Carla Roberts. But we want to bury the right
Another victim of the witch hunt
Jackie Walker was expelled by a supposedly ‘leftwing’ panel, notes Carla Roberts
Corbyn should speak up
Labour HQ has decided upon yet more suspensions. Carla Roberts reports on the appalling consequences of appeasement
Fake outrage, fake accusations
The civil war in the Labour Party is at a critical stage, writes Carla Roberts
Hundreds of hard-core anti-Semites?
Suspending Chris Williamson MP is an outrage, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Heading towards a split?
There are signs that Corbyn and his allies are finally starting to fight back, reports Carla Roberts
Split - and split now!
Perhaps some of the most obnoxious Blairites in the PLP will actually jump before they get pushed, hopes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Still weapon of choice
The PLP as presently constituted will never be appeased, argues Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Trigger ballots will see many MPs given their marching orders
Split - and split now! Perhaps some of the most obnoxious Blairites in the PLP will actually jump before they get pushed, hopes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt: another witch-hunt victim
NEC refuses to endorse Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt in South Thanet, writes Carla Roberts
Zionists in the Labour Party, unite!
Momentum and the JLM have teamed up to take on David Icke, why bother says Carla Roberts
No cross-class coalition
The move for a special Labour conference on a ‘People’s Vote’ is designed to smooth the path to a national government, warns Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Anti-Zionism and self-censorship
The witch-hunt against Jeremy Corbyn and the left is still in full swing - and spreading across society, reports Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
NCC ‘left’ slate farce ends in another Jon Lansman surrender
The manoeuvres over joint candidates for Labour's disciplinary committee exposes the political vacuity of the existing left groupings, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Despicable participants in an ongoing witch-hunt
The AWL social-imperialists have constituted themselves as allies of the Labour right, the mainstream media and the Israeli political establishment, writes Carla Roberts
Aspirations frustrated
Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists gives her assessment of the Liverpool conference
Democracy, reselection and Omov
Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists looks at some of the rule changes before this year’s Labour conference
NEC left capitulates
But there might yet be light at the end of the tunnel, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Breach of rules?
The witch-hunt has reached the heights of absurdity, reports Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Playing the long game
Corbyn should stand up and fight, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
No politics, please
The July 15 ‘Momentum national conference’ will be a very special one, reports Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists: no motions, elections or decision-making of any kind
And then they came for LRC
John McDonnell has a political history, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists. But, unfortunately, not much in the way of a backbone
Another rotten fudge
The divisions in SPEW stem from a leadership dogmatically sticking to a totally wrong position, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
A toxic climate of fear
Shami Chakrabarti’s call for Ken Livingstone’s expulsion shows where appeasement leads, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Zionism is the real problem
Marc Wadsworth’s expulsion should be viewed in the context of the international situation, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Wrong type of Jew
The right has succeeded in ridding ‘anti-Semitism’ of any coherent meaning, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
In defence of Stan Keable
Suspended from his job for a conversation
The taming of Corbyn
While some on the Labour right still hope to force Corbyn to resign, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists, others are aiming to change the man and his politics
After Formby’s election
In light of the new incoming regime at party HQ, Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports on objections to Jon Lansman’s slate
Momentum’s loose cannon
Why did Jon Lansman withdraw from the race to become Labour’s new general secretary? Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists looks for answers
What's going on?
Unexpected fault lines have opened up on the soft Labour left over who will be the next general secretary, reports Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Too early to celebrate
Iain McNicol gone, JLM calling the police, rumours about Ken Livingstone being reinstated … But it’s not all plain sailing for the left, warns Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Lansman and witch-hunting
Momentum has drafted a ‘Charter of members’ rights’, which promises to put an end to the deluge of unjustified suspensions from the party, writes Carla Roberts. But it does not oppose political expulsions and also leaves the compliance unit untouched
When chickens come home
Jeremy Newmark is in trouble, Ann Black has been dropped and AWL members have been declared ‘unwelcome’, reports Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Criticism is not abuse
Carla Roberts takes issue with proposals to outlaw 'abuse' of MPs
NEC readmits leftwingers
But hopes that this might mark the beginning of the end of the witch-hunt could be premature, warns Carla Roberts
Democratise the party
The election of Christine Shawcroft as chair of Labour’s disputes panel gives some hope that Jeremy Corbyn and his allies might finally put an end to the witch-hunt, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Labour’s ‘flexible’ rules
If being a supporter of LPM is incompatible with Labour’s ‘aims and principles’, asks Carla Roberts, where does that leave all the other political organisations inside the party?
Now the real work begins
The left made limited, but real, gains at conference, reports Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Keep up the pressure
Labour’s NEC has opened the door for much-needed change - now the left needs to take advantage of that opening, says Carla Roberts
Parallel campaign delivers win
One the greatest upsets of the election took place in Sheffield Hallam, where a pro-Corbyn candidate defeated Nick Clegg. Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports
Cohering the Labour left
Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports on the first meeting of the Grassroots Momentum steering committee on April 22 in London
Wasted opportunities galore
Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists was appalled by Momentum’s ‘inaugural conference’ and its Duracell bunnies
Much confusion, little clarity
William Sarsfield spoke to Labour Party Marxists supporter Tina Werkmann, who was elected to the Grassroots Momentum steering committee
Against Lansman, for what?
On March 11, Grassroots Momentum met at Conway Hall in central London. Simon Wells and Carla Roberts report
Fight back - but for what?
The left in Momentum is organising a ‘networking conference’ on March 11, writes Carla Roberts
Stay and fight the battle of ideas
Despite widespread outrage over the Lansman coup, there is little appetite to split Momentum, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
Reduced to a corpse?
We knew it was coming, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists, but the sheer cynicism of Jon Lansman’s coup is staggering
A false narrative
The current Momentum crisis has nothing to do with age, Trotsky or even the voting method to be used at conference, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists. It is about who controls Momentum and for what political ends
The nuclear option
While Jon Lansman considers ending it all, the left majority needs to press home its advantage, urges Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists
A party, within a party, within ...
Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports from the November 5 meeting of members of the Momentum national committee
Make it mandatory
Carla Roberts reviews: David Osland's 'How to select or reselect your MP', Spokesman Books, 2016, pp16, £4
How to deselect your MP
Carla Roberts looks at the rules, past and present