
WW archive > Issue 186 - 10 April 1997

Liverpool dockers set Morris straight

The Liverpool dockers respond to Bill Morris’s article, ‘Setting the record straight’, published in the TGWU Record (February/March 1997)


Bread and roses ; For a Scottish parliament

Spartville city limits

Party notes

Victory for political boldness

Ian Driver’s Vauxhall constituency members have been arbitrarily expelled. Stan Keable’s Brent East branch has simply been ignored by the NEC. Arthur Scargill announced in the Morning Star that Stan was “not a member”. SLP branches have been informed in a recent circular that “there is no Socialist Labour candidate standing in Brent East”. Both London branches are fighting vigorous election campaigns.

More Bullite rantings from Royston

Cosmetic exercise

Jimmy Nolan, chair of the Liverpool Docks Shop Stewards’ Committee, told us about the proposed labour supply company

Sop parliament and nationalism

Philip Stott, leading member of Scottish Militant Labour, told Nick Clarke about the organisation’s new stance

Sellout to Labour

No illusions in parliament

Wilhelm Liebknecht, the great German working class leader and contemporary of Marx and Engels, delivered this speech on May 31 1869 to a workingmen’s association meeting in Berlin

The admirers of the Revolution

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, April 5 1917

Private debate on independence

The call for an active boycott

Scottish Militant Labour supports Blair’s parish council

Socialist challenge to capitalist manifestos

Vote for a working class alternative

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