WW archive > Issue 1441 - 04 May 2023

Powers hidden in reserve
This Saturday, says Eddie Ford, should remind us that the role of the monarchy is not only about pomp, circumstance and providing popular entertainment
Confusion; Decisive shift?; Spider-writing; Terrorism; Settler-colonial; Not Nazi; Class rump; Either-or
A manufactured illusion
Today’s monarchy is not a precious inheritance dating back to the Saxons. It is a product of the mass media, argues Paul Demarty
Take inspiration from Cromwell
Enough of platonic republicanism, enough of fickle republicanism, enough of egg-throwing republicanism, says Jack Conrad . We need a militant fight for republican democracy
Stuff ‘single person’ leadership
Despite its ostensible archaism, the coronation of Charles III reflects the thoroughly modern practice of one-man management, argues Mike Macnair
Dynasty after dynasty
The last shah liked to boast of a history that made the House of Windsor look like mere parvenus. But, as Yassamine Mather shows, there were numerous breaks, conquests and regime changes brought in from the outside
The meaning of May Day
First published on May 1 1907 in Clara Zetkin’s Die Gleichheit (‘Equality’), this article by Rosa Luxemburg skilfully explains the significance of International Workers’ Day - launched at the founding congress of the Second International in 1889
Hanging on a knife’s edge
Though the opposition appears to have a narrow lead ahead of this month’s general election, the regime has plenty of dirty tricks up its sleeve. Esen Uslu reports on Erdoğan-style campaigning
Online Communist Forum Sunday May 7 5pm
Republicanism and the coronation’s pomp and circumstance - political report from CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee and discussion